Category Archives: Breakfast

Breakfast / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Late Dinner

April 21, 2010

Given that I had dinner at 5:30pm last night, it makes perfect sense that I’m not having dinner until 8:30pm tonight, right?  No.  It makes no sense.  But KC isn’t getting home from work until 8:30pm tonight, so I guess I’ll be a good girlfriend and wait to eat until he gets home.  (Because is there anything more romantic than sharing time over delicious food?  I think not.)

Today it rained again.  The only plus to this is my apartment was freezing when I got home, so I got to turn on my radiator again.  Yes, I’m easily pleased; what can I say?

Kashi for breakfast:

After breakfast, I started the coffee, put my lunch together, and got ready to head to Bar Method to work the desk for a few hours.

Bar Method has been crazy busy lately.  I don’t know if people are just freaking out because swimsuit season is rapidly approaching (though, you would never know this by the weather here…), or if people have realized that Bar Method gives you amazing results.  Either way, it’s great for the business (but a little crazy for those of us who work the desk!).

While at Bar Method I had some yogurt:

Organic lowfat plain yogurt with organic wild blueberries, Clover honey, and raw sliced almonds (in my handy travel bowl!  Still obsessed).

I also had an orange and an egg (plus the coffee I made this morning)

Yes, that’s the picture from yesterday (no, I don’t bring my special china horse plates to Bar Method).  I forgot to take a picture today, so I figured I’d recycle this one.  Hope it doesn’t ruin your day.

After finishing my shift at Bar Method, I went on my super secret workout mission.

What in the world am I talking about?  And why is there a picture of a locker room on here?

Well, I’ll tell you.  That is not just any locker room, it’s the Dailey Method locker room.  (Pause for effect.)  Gasp! Traitor!

Let me explain.  The Bar Method ladies knew I was going to take class at the rival studio; in fact, they fully supported it.  Being so similar, we get a lot of clients asking about the difference between Bar Method and Dailey Method.

While the two workouts are fairly similar in some ways, after my class at Dailey, my belief in Bar Method was reaffirmed.  Sorry Dailey Methoders, I’m a Bar Method girl all the way.  A lot of the issues I have stem from my awesome back which restricts exercise pretty severely.  If I wasn’t stuck with this ridiculously injury-prone frame, I would probably give Dailey more of a chance.  Oh well.

After the class, it was back on BART and back home to Oakland.  I was hungry when I got home; and knowing that KC wouldn’t be home until late, I had some snacks to tide me over until dinner.

I had organic cottage cheese with a little salt and pepper, plus some leftover Guava Kombucha:

The cottage cheese was a little watery — I don’t know why.  Maybe I need to strain it before I eat it next time…

A little later I had some of the usual:

Garlic and Herb cow cheese and water crackers.  I also added some tomatoes to this.  I can tell that tomato season is approaching, the tomatoes have been getting sweeter and sweeter lately.  I’m so looking forward to warm evenings with a cold drink and fresh caprese salad!  Ahh summer…

That would be me reminiscing on our trip to Hawaii last year.  Let’s hope our New York trip (which is coming up!) is just as fabulous.  I’m sure it will be.

Ok, well I’ve got big plans for dinner so I’d better start prepping.

Post on that later!  Hopefully the dish is delicious (and easy!).

Breakfast / Dinner / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Let’s Go A’s!

April 20, 2010

I got up early this morning.  Like, super early (for me).  7:20am was when I opened my eyes and rolled out of bed.  Why?  Because even though I’m unemployed, I feel I should adapt myself to a somewhat normal schedule and stop living like I’m in college.  Maybe an employer will take note of my initiative and think, “I really need to hire that girl.”

Please.  Please hire me.

Anyway, I woke up to a rainy morning and this adorable view:

Oh Seuss, you’re so cute I can’t even stay mad at you when you puke on the bathroom floor.

That’s true love right there.

I thought I’d have a wintery breakfast this morning since it seemed to coincide with the weather:

Irish oats with almond butter, raspberry Bonne Maman, raisins, and flaxseed.

I put on a pot of coffee, turned on the radiator in the living room and got to work job hunting.  I love when I get to turn on the radiator here.  Our apartment gets direct sunlight all day, so it’s rare that it gets cold enough to turn on the heat.  We pay a fixed fee for PG&E with our rent, so I always think it’s a little victory when I actually get to take advantage of that.

The heat was on for probably 20 minutes before the apartment got too hot and I had to turn it off.  Such is life.

I had a very productive morning.  I consolidated my loans finally, which is complicated and terrifying.  By the way law school, so far you’ve turned out to be a bang-up investment.  So glad I shelled out thousands to be unemployed almost a year after graduating.  (Yes, I’m aware the economy isn’t your fault.  But I still blame you.  A little.)

Enough about that though, let’s talk about happy things.  Like lunch:

Leftover fish taco with cabbage, apple-cucumber salsa, and Sriracha + coffee + cranberry water.

I don’t know what it is, but it’s almost like these tacos are getting better as they sit in the fridge.  Today’s was downright drool-worthy.

After lunch I put on my Lulus and headed out to the city on BART.  Alexis and I met at Peet’s for (more) coffee:

More important conversation:

I wish people would stop asking me how my job search is going.

It makes me want to roll my eyes and then fake a seizure to get out of answering the question.

I consolidated my loans.

What are your monthly payments?

Let’s hope $0.

And so on.

After coffee I took a private Bar Method class with Danielle.  (This is the benefit of being friends with instructors and working at the studio — private classes!)  We had a pretty good hour with the barre, and discussed many important boy-related topics.

After heading back to Oakland on BART, I realized it was sunny out.  Anytime you want to make up your mind on the weather, California, you just let me know.

Had a snack:

Orange and an egg.  Shocking, I know.

Talked to a recruiter who “can’t help” me.  Awesome day on the job front.  Awesome.

If you’re unemployed and looking for work — I feel your pain.

Had dinner at 5:34pm because I’ve turned into a 65 year old apparently.

Yet another leftover taco…  Not to worry, they’re finally gone now so I can get off this taco kick and y’all will see a new recipe on here soon.

The reason for the early-bird special (and my repetitive dinner) is because KC and I are headed to the A’s – Yankees game tonight (GO A’s!).  I’m making a pre-emptive strike against all ballpark snacks with my early dinner.  (We’ll see how this really pans out in a little bit, won’t we…)

Ok, off to put on my ballpark outfit!  I don’t think spandex Lulu pants and a hot pink workout top are really baseball appropriate…

Let’s go A’s!

Breakfast / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Oh, Monday…

April 19, 2010

Why is Monday always so depressing?  I don’t even have a job to go to and Mondays depress me.  Perhaps because I begin the week by sitting on the couch looking for jobs?  Yes, I think that may be it…

Anyway, I tried to sleep through this Monday.

It didn’t work.

Cheerios for breakfast:

After breakfast there was some intense craigslisting.  It’s much more fun to look at things like this on craigslist, rather than this.  Oh well, such is life (and such is the economy).

After fully exhausting the day’s job search, I jumped in the shower, got dressed and waited for Alexis to come over for coffee.  A perk to being unemployed?  When your sister’s unemployed too, you get to hang out in the middle of the day on Mondays.  (As well as other days of the week.)

Alexis didn’t come over until 2pm, so I had some lunch while waiting up for her.

Leftover fish taco:

Plus an orange:

A.  If you want to make fun of my old-fashioned china horse plates, whatever.  I love them.  They were 50¢ at TJ Maxx (one of my most favorite stores) and I stand by my purchase.

B. Making those fish tacos last night made the entire apartment smell like cooked Steelhead.  Delicious tasting, yes, but not so much the home fragrance I was going for…

This was my attempt at an at-home remedy (found on the internet.  Seriously, what did people do before the internet?  Sit around and stare at each other?):

Yes, that would be a bowl of apple cider vinegar sitting in my kitchen.  I read online that a bowl of white vinegar will get rid of the smell of fish after a few hours.  I didn’t have any white vinegar on hand, but (surprise!) I did have some apple cider vinegar.  I dare say it may be working.  Although, it could just be that I’m used to the smell now…  Jury’s out until KC gets home (he has the nose of a pregnant woman.  No joke).

Alexis came over and we had coffee (it’s a tradition.  Coffee pretty much equals love in our family):

We hung out for awhile.  Discussed all things important:

I hate being unemployed.

When you work you don’t get summer vacation.

Maybe we should be teachers.

Start a business.  Mom can run it.

Leave the country and never come back.  Italy?

I need a job.

I need a job.

Such is the life of a law school grad.

I had an egg with my coffee:

Alexis and I hung out for awhile longer, then she headed home to get started on the chickpea tagine she was making for dinner.

I decided a Bar Method workout was in order.  I had a snack first:

I love crackers and cow cheese.  I think this is a great snack when you’re craving something crunchy and salty because one wedge of cheese + 4 crackers is only 95 calories and 3 grams of fat.

This gave my the boost I needed, before spending an hour with my Bar Method DVD.  I always think doing the workout at home will be a waste because the DVDs won’t be as difficult and I won’t try as hard; but it was a pretty decent workout, all in all.  I’m glad I at least did something active today, since I didn’t make it to the gym or the real Bar Method class.

Dinner’s in the oven and I’m starving!  I hope KC gets home soon, otherwise I may need to start eating without him…  Ahh vegan tacos, why do you need to smell so delicious when I’m hungry???

Yesss, he’ll be here in ten.  Better get everything ready to go so I can chow down the second he walks in the door!

Post later on the tacos (they’re delish!)

Breakfast / Dinner / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Super Late…the Sequel

April 18, 2010

I feel like I should add something to that title…  “Back with a Vengeance” perhaps?  Oookkk, crazy, let’s get down to business…

So now we’re at this morning — Sunday.  (Look at us almost up to date with the blogging!  Exciting.)  This morning was a little rough for some of us… (I’m not gonna name names, KC.  Errr, maybe I am.)  Anyway, after moving a little slowly, we finally made it out of bed and got this show on the road.

Kashi for breakfast:

Post-breakfast activities were super blog-worthy (getting dressed, sorting laundry, loading up my tiny car with said laundry, me arguing with KC about him playing his new 25¢ CDs in my tiny car…  Yes, this is the stuff of legends.)

Ok, so then we drove to Walnut Creek, as we do almost every weekend because KC’s parents are nice enough to let us do laundry at their house for free.  (No laundromat?  I’m in.)

After throwing in a load of towels, we headed off to Crepes Ooh La La for lunch.  I love crepes.  KC and I have been frequenting this place since it was Crepes A Go Go and it was over on North Main.

I had a savory crepe: tomatoes, avocado, turkey, and cheddar:

Ahhhh yum!  I almost finished this…  I try so hard, but I can never seem to finish one of these.  I have dreams where I finish this and then have room for a sweet crepe… Oh strawberry and Nutella crepe, where have you been all my life??  Sadly, today was not the day.  (Note to self: if you ever decide to get knocked up… as in many, many years from now… remember to make daily trips to the crepe place.)

After crepes, there was switching of laundry and then we jetted off to Costco.  Oh Costco… You never cease to amaze me with the aisles and shelves full of things I never knew I needed (in such giant quantities).  We made it out of Costco with organic chicken breasts, some farmed (because there was no wild fish!  What the heck Costco??) steelhead trout, Cheerios (well hello, addiction), organic farro (so excited to make this!), a Camelback (KC says we’ll use it for hiking — yay!), and some real-sugar Coca Cola (KC’s special treat).  What did we not get?  Q-tips!  Where the heck were the Q-tips today Costco???  I searched high and low, and nothingDisappointing.

After Costco, there was more dealing with the laundry (clothes: when will you learn to clean yourselves?) then we headed out to Yogurt Park (or YoPa, as I call it) for a mid-afternoon snack:

That’s KC holding my mini chocolate/vanilla with Reese’s Pieces.  KC had chocolate and Irish mint:

So I have a little confession to make: I’m really not that big on ice cream, but I love frozen yogurt.  I could probably eat frozen yogurt almost daily (but I won’t… I prefer to save my sugar for dark chocolate.)

I almost finished my fro-yo.  Again, I can pretty much never finish one of these.  I always think, “It’s so tiny!  I’m gonna OWN this.”  Defeat.  Humiliation.  Ok, well, not humiliation… but you get the picture.

A word about this: I didn’t grow up in a household where I had to finish what was on my plate.  I understand that some people have some weird feelings going back to childhood about having to finish what’s in front of them; but learn to get over this, if you can.  You don’t have to finish anything you don’t want to.  (And considering the portion sizes of most restaurants, you shouldn’t finish what’s in front of you most of the time.)  Learn to eat more slowly and thoughtfully — listen to your body, it will tell you when it’s full.  People always make comments to me: “You never finish!”  “Did you even eat anything?”; but truth be told, I’ve just learned to listen to my body (for the most part) and I stop a little before getting full (because it takes about 10 minutes for your stomach to catch up with your brain — thus, why when you stop when you’re already full, you often end up feeling overly-stuffed).

Back to today: After yogurt, more laundry, then KC and I headed back downtown to enjoy the beautiful sunshine.  We walked around a bit.  Most stores were closed (hello 6:30pm on Sunday, you’re boring), but we did walk through Barnes and Noble where I marveled at the fact that there’s a magazine called “Modern Dog” (as opposed to “Old-fashioned Dog”?  I’d prefer my dog to be old-fashioned, frankly.  Maybe a 1920’s rebel who sets up a speakeasy to fight Prohibition…)

I digress…  After a million hours our laundry was finally done (I dream of the day when KC and I have an in-unit washer/dryer…) and we headed back to Oakland.

This is where things get exciting: I made chipotle fish tacos for dinner!

I adapted the recipe from a… Bon Appetit?  Food and Wine? (one of those…) recipe.  The original recipe calls for salmon, but seeing has Costco had no wild salmon, and Steelhead trout is cheaper (and very similar to salmon), I used that.  (You could probably use just about any fish for this recipe, or even steak, shrimp, chicken, or tofu.)

Starting with the fish: I used 1 lb. of fish, cut into 4 pieces.  On this I rubbed a mixture of 2 tsp. sugar, 2 tsp. chipotle chili powder, and 2 tsp. orange zest (basically, zest of 1 orange).  This then sat while I prepared the rest of the “accessories.”

Chopped cabbage.  I don’t need to explain this, do I?

2 tbsp. mayonnaise + juice of 1/2 a lime to go on top on the fish.

One mashed avocado.

Apple cucumber salsa: 1 peeled granny smith apple, 1/2 a cucumber (I like English cucumbers because they don’t need to be peeled/seeded), 1/2 a red bell pepper, 1/2 a small red onion — all this was diced and tossed with 1 1/2 tsp. sugar, 1 1/2 tbsp. white wine vinegar, and salt.  Easy peasy.

I then grilled the fish on high until it was just about cooked through (3-5 min per side, depending on how thick your fish is).  Note about this step: maybe it’s just me, but this basically turned my kitchen into Iceland (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should really read or watch the news more).  Chipotle + grill pan apparently equals crazy smoke.  (KC thought I was dying while I was making this.  I may have emphysema as a result of making these tacos.)  Luckily, the end result was totally worth the smoke inhalation:

Serious deliciousness people!  I had two tacos…

Can I just say I love Mexican food, especially with a cold beer?  And, if it’s healthy like this — BONUS!  I put together the tacos like this: corn tortilla (I bought organic hand-made ones at Berkeley Bowl), some smashed avocado, 1/2 a piece of fish, little bit of lime mayo, shredded cabbage, apple cucumber salsa, and some Sriracha to top it all off.  Fresh, crunchy, spicy, creamy, and that insane combo of warm fish and cold salsa…  YUM.

I definitely recommend this recipe.  Perhaps a good plan for Cinco de Mayo?  Maybe you’d like to invite your friend Chelsea?  How nice of you!  Anyway, you can definitely wow a crowd with this one.  There’s sort of a lot of sides, but it’s all really easy to make (and you could definitely do most of the prep work earlier in the day, or probably even the day before.)

Ok, I’ve been blogging forever now and KC is wondering what the heck I’m doing and if I’m ever going to hang out with him again, so I’d better wrap this up.  Again, sorry for the late posts, but I hope your weekend was just as fun and eventful as mine!

Also, Happy Birthday April!  We had a great time yesterday!  🙂

Breakfast / Dessert / Dinner / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Super Late

Ok, so apologies are in order.  I’m so sorry that this post is so late; it’s been one of those weekends!  I will start at the beginning, and I won’t leave anything out.  Er… I’ll try not to!  In fact, I’m even going to make this into two separate posts so it doesn’t get too overwhelming with the amount of pictures.

So let’s start where we left off: Friday night.

KC and I did make it to Fenton’s after dinner that night.  We decided it was most economical to share a GIGANTIC dish of ice cream (3 HUGE scoops):

The flavors we chose were Butterfinger, Coffee Cookie Dream, and Chocolate Mint.  YUM!  I ate about half of the Butterfinger scoop, had a couple bites of the Coffee and I was spent.  We didn’t quite finish…

We got the rest to go, and it’s still sitting in our freezer.

Ok, so Saturday.  Saturday started like any other day.  Cheerios with a banana for breakfast:

I topped this off with a double shot from the Nespresso over ice:

After the caffeine I was ready and raring to go.  I grabbed KC and decided we should take a walk down Telegraph.  We wandered through the shops, and ended up at La Calaca Loca where we each had a taco (since it was lunch time by this point):

I had the chicken taco, which was good, but the chicken was a little tough.  Not as impressive as the last time I was there.  Maybe it was just an off day.

After our small lunch, we wandered back down Telegraph.  We spent some time at The East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse, which I affectionately call “The Junk Store.”  KC bought some CDs for 25¢ (the selection at the store was quite interesting).  After killing time there, we headed down the street to Remedy Coffee which opened fairly recently.

The cafe has a cool vibe, and my coffee and KC’s espresso were both good.

After (the extra) caffeine, it was time to meet up with Dan and Suzie, who were picking us up to take us to Golden Gate Park for April’s birthday BBQ.

It was a beautiful day at the park.

Unfortunately, amidst all the birthday fun I wasn’t able to take pictures of everything I ate.  I had a turkey burger…

Plus some of the munchies that were out (veggies and dip, chips and salsa, and 2! chocolate chip cookies):

All in all, we had a great time playing kickball and celebrating April’s 20-something year.  Nothing quite like a beautiful Saturday with good friends, right?

We gave the birthday girl a lift:

Once it started to get dark (and cold!) we headed to Durdy Nelly’s so the fun could continue.  I took some pictures there, but it was so dark none of them really turned out!  There was drinking (more done by others than myself) and dancing (even though I don’t think it’s really a dancing bar…?)  Fun fun fun.  After finishing up there, KC wanted to head to Trad’r Sam’s to meet up with a friend.  There may have been a late-night stop at Taco Bell/KFC (to which I kept singing, “I’m at the Pizza Hut.  I’m at the Taco Bell.  I’m at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.”)  We were not at Pizza Hut; but anyway, if you don’t know that song, I feel bad for you.  (No, I don’t.)  By the way, I have this strange fascination with annoying repetitive songs…  That Baskin Robbin’s commerical has been repeated endlessly in this apartment because I heard it and thought it was hilarious.  (Ice cream and cake and cake…)

Back to the point: Trad’r Sam’s serves these ridiculously huge tropical drinks — I didn’t partake, seeing as I was driving, but KC ordered a scorpion, which apparently means “Make me a drink the size of my head.  And make sure it’s pink.”  KC didn’t finish his…bowl.  Thank goodness — I think it would have ended badly for both of us if he had!

We finally decided to head home around midnight.  Once we got back to Oakland, we were all beat!  KC and I went straight to bed and Suzie crashed on the couch (after I made some pizza toast for everyone in an effort to lessen hangovers in the morning).

Sorry there was no update about this!  I was in no shape to be blogging that late.  I think if I had attempted to put something together it would have gone something like this:  “I ate today.  I’m tired.  Goodnight.”  Not exactly quality material…yes?