Breakfast / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Oh, Monday…

Why is Monday always so depressing?  I don’t even have a job to go to and Mondays depress me.  Perhaps because I begin the week by sitting on the couch looking for jobs?  Yes, I think that may be it…

Anyway, I tried to sleep through this Monday.

It didn’t work.

Cheerios for breakfast:

After breakfast there was some intense craigslisting.  It’s much more fun to look at things like this on craigslist, rather than this.  Oh well, such is life (and such is the economy).

After fully exhausting the day’s job search, I jumped in the shower, got dressed and waited for Alexis to come over for coffee.  A perk to being unemployed?  When your sister’s unemployed too, you get to hang out in the middle of the day on Mondays.  (As well as other days of the week.)

Alexis didn’t come over until 2pm, so I had some lunch while waiting up for her.

Leftover fish taco:

Plus an orange:

A.  If you want to make fun of my old-fashioned china horse plates, whatever.  I love them.  They were 50¢ at TJ Maxx (one of my most favorite stores) and I stand by my purchase.

B. Making those fish tacos last night made the entire apartment smell like cooked Steelhead.  Delicious tasting, yes, but not so much the home fragrance I was going for…

This was my attempt at an at-home remedy (found on the internet.  Seriously, what did people do before the internet?  Sit around and stare at each other?):

Yes, that would be a bowl of apple cider vinegar sitting in my kitchen.  I read online that a bowl of white vinegar will get rid of the smell of fish after a few hours.  I didn’t have any white vinegar on hand, but (surprise!) I did have some apple cider vinegar.  I dare say it may be working.  Although, it could just be that I’m used to the smell now…  Jury’s out until KC gets home (he has the nose of a pregnant woman.  No joke).

Alexis came over and we had coffee (it’s a tradition.  Coffee pretty much equals love in our family):

We hung out for awhile.  Discussed all things important:

I hate being unemployed.

When you work you don’t get summer vacation.

Maybe we should be teachers.

Start a business.  Mom can run it.

Leave the country and never come back.  Italy?

I need a job.

I need a job.

Such is the life of a law school grad.

I had an egg with my coffee:

Alexis and I hung out for awhile longer, then she headed home to get started on the chickpea tagine she was making for dinner.

I decided a Bar Method workout was in order.  I had a snack first:

I love crackers and cow cheese.  I think this is a great snack when you’re craving something crunchy and salty because one wedge of cheese + 4 crackers is only 95 calories and 3 grams of fat.

This gave my the boost I needed, before spending an hour with my Bar Method DVD.  I always think doing the workout at home will be a waste because the DVDs won’t be as difficult and I won’t try as hard; but it was a pretty decent workout, all in all.  I’m glad I at least did something active today, since I didn’t make it to the gym or the real Bar Method class.

Dinner’s in the oven and I’m starving!  I hope KC gets home soon, otherwise I may need to start eating without him…  Ahh vegan tacos, why do you need to smell so delicious when I’m hungry???

Yesss, he’ll be here in ten.  Better get everything ready to go so I can chow down the second he walks in the door!

Post later on the tacos (they’re delish!)

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