Breakfast / Dinner / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Let’s Go A’s!

I got up early this morning.  Like, super early (for me).  7:20am was when I opened my eyes and rolled out of bed.  Why?  Because even though I’m unemployed, I feel I should adapt myself to a somewhat normal schedule and stop living like I’m in college.  Maybe an employer will take note of my initiative and think, “I really need to hire that girl.”

Please.  Please hire me.

Anyway, I woke up to a rainy morning and this adorable view:

Oh Seuss, you’re so cute I can’t even stay mad at you when you puke on the bathroom floor.

That’s true love right there.

I thought I’d have a wintery breakfast this morning since it seemed to coincide with the weather:

Irish oats with almond butter, raspberry Bonne Maman, raisins, and flaxseed.

I put on a pot of coffee, turned on the radiator in the living room and got to work job hunting.  I love when I get to turn on the radiator here.  Our apartment gets direct sunlight all day, so it’s rare that it gets cold enough to turn on the heat.  We pay a fixed fee for PG&E with our rent, so I always think it’s a little victory when I actually get to take advantage of that.

The heat was on for probably 20 minutes before the apartment got too hot and I had to turn it off.  Such is life.

I had a very productive morning.  I consolidated my loans finally, which is complicated and terrifying.  By the way law school, so far you’ve turned out to be a bang-up investment.  So glad I shelled out thousands to be unemployed almost a year after graduating.  (Yes, I’m aware the economy isn’t your fault.  But I still blame you.  A little.)

Enough about that though, let’s talk about happy things.  Like lunch:

Leftover fish taco with cabbage, apple-cucumber salsa, and Sriracha + coffee + cranberry water.

I don’t know what it is, but it’s almost like these tacos are getting better as they sit in the fridge.  Today’s was downright drool-worthy.

After lunch I put on my Lulus and headed out to the city on BART.  Alexis and I met at Peet’s for (more) coffee:

More important conversation:

I wish people would stop asking me how my job search is going.

It makes me want to roll my eyes and then fake a seizure to get out of answering the question.

I consolidated my loans.

What are your monthly payments?

Let’s hope $0.

And so on.

After coffee I took a private Bar Method class with Danielle.  (This is the benefit of being friends with instructors and working at the studio — private classes!)  We had a pretty good hour with the barre, and discussed many important boy-related topics.

After heading back to Oakland on BART, I realized it was sunny out.  Anytime you want to make up your mind on the weather, California, you just let me know.

Had a snack:

Orange and an egg.  Shocking, I know.

Talked to a recruiter who “can’t help” me.  Awesome day on the job front.  Awesome.

If you’re unemployed and looking for work — I feel your pain.

Had dinner at 5:34pm because I’ve turned into a 65 year old apparently.

Yet another leftover taco…  Not to worry, they’re finally gone now so I can get off this taco kick and y’all will see a new recipe on here soon.

The reason for the early-bird special (and my repetitive dinner) is because KC and I are headed to the A’s – Yankees game tonight (GO A’s!).  I’m making a pre-emptive strike against all ballpark snacks with my early dinner.  (We’ll see how this really pans out in a little bit, won’t we…)

Ok, off to put on my ballpark outfit!  I don’t think spandex Lulu pants and a hot pink workout top are really baseball appropriate…

Let’s go A’s!

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