Breakfast / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Late Dinner

Given that I had dinner at 5:30pm last night, it makes perfect sense that I’m not having dinner until 8:30pm tonight, right?  No.  It makes no sense.  But KC isn’t getting home from work until 8:30pm tonight, so I guess I’ll be a good girlfriend and wait to eat until he gets home.  (Because is there anything more romantic than sharing time over delicious food?  I think not.)

Today it rained again.  The only plus to this is my apartment was freezing when I got home, so I got to turn on my radiator again.  Yes, I’m easily pleased; what can I say?

Kashi for breakfast:

After breakfast, I started the coffee, put my lunch together, and got ready to head to Bar Method to work the desk for a few hours.

Bar Method has been crazy busy lately.  I don’t know if people are just freaking out because swimsuit season is rapidly approaching (though, you would never know this by the weather here…), or if people have realized that Bar Method gives you amazing results.  Either way, it’s great for the business (but a little crazy for those of us who work the desk!).

While at Bar Method I had some yogurt:

Organic lowfat plain yogurt with organic wild blueberries, Clover honey, and raw sliced almonds (in my handy travel bowl!  Still obsessed).

I also had an orange and an egg (plus the coffee I made this morning)

Yes, that’s the picture from yesterday (no, I don’t bring my special china horse plates to Bar Method).  I forgot to take a picture today, so I figured I’d recycle this one.  Hope it doesn’t ruin your day.

After finishing my shift at Bar Method, I went on my super secret workout mission.

What in the world am I talking about?  And why is there a picture of a locker room on here?

Well, I’ll tell you.  That is not just any locker room, it’s the Dailey Method locker room.  (Pause for effect.)  Gasp! Traitor!

Let me explain.  The Bar Method ladies knew I was going to take class at the rival studio; in fact, they fully supported it.  Being so similar, we get a lot of clients asking about the difference between Bar Method and Dailey Method.

While the two workouts are fairly similar in some ways, after my class at Dailey, my belief in Bar Method was reaffirmed.  Sorry Dailey Methoders, I’m a Bar Method girl all the way.  A lot of the issues I have stem from my awesome back which restricts exercise pretty severely.  If I wasn’t stuck with this ridiculously injury-prone frame, I would probably give Dailey more of a chance.  Oh well.

After the class, it was back on BART and back home to Oakland.  I was hungry when I got home; and knowing that KC wouldn’t be home until late, I had some snacks to tide me over until dinner.

I had organic cottage cheese with a little salt and pepper, plus some leftover Guava Kombucha:

The cottage cheese was a little watery — I don’t know why.  Maybe I need to strain it before I eat it next time…

A little later I had some of the usual:

Garlic and Herb cow cheese and water crackers.  I also added some tomatoes to this.  I can tell that tomato season is approaching, the tomatoes have been getting sweeter and sweeter lately.  I’m so looking forward to warm evenings with a cold drink and fresh caprese salad!  Ahh summer…

That would be me reminiscing on our trip to Hawaii last year.  Let’s hope our New York trip (which is coming up!) is just as fabulous.  I’m sure it will be.

Ok, well I’ve got big plans for dinner so I’d better start prepping.

Post on that later!  Hopefully the dish is delicious (and easy!).