
You’re Engaged — Now What?

First of all, CONGRATU-FREAKING-LATIONS!  Maybe you and your H2B had a whirlwhind courtship of mere months which was capped off by an ultra-romantic Cinderella-shoe-at-sunset type of engagement; maybe you dated for years (and years, and years), and despite the fact that you know that boy better than you know your last name, you were still completely and utterly surprised when he got down on one knee and said, “So… Do you want to do this or what?”  (Only kidding of course.  Though I was in fact wearing a grey hoodie and puffy jacket during the big moment, KC did everything right and didn’t mess up his lines one bit.)  But the point of all this: you’re engaged.  High KICK!  Go you!  The first thing to do is revel in the moment for a bit (obviously).  If you haven’t gone through it already, as soon as people start finding out you’re engaged, it’s a freaking tornado of joy and overwhelmingness (yes, I don’t really think that’s a word either, but bear with me).  So take a minute to just soak it all in with your new fiancee (blerg…), because you’re never going to have that moment back.  Well…  Uh…  Actually…  Ok, you’re only going to get engaged for the first time ONCE, ok?  So enjoy it.

Now, you’ve adequately soaked up all the awesomeness that is getting engaged (and it was LEGEN-put a ring on it-DARY); so you’re ready to break the news.  It’s customary to tell immediate family first, for obvious reasons.  I mean, at least in my family, if I had told friends before my sister or something, I would have gotten a hockey stick right to the face (or not, because we’re not Canadian, or even hockey fans really.  But go with the visual metaphor here, jeez).  So, tell them first, then extended family and friends.  And by the way, if you don’t have unlimited texting for some reason (I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t, as this clearly isn’t 2004), well I hate to break it to you, but you’re likely to go over on your bill like, large-stacks-of-cash-style.  Sorry, it’s just a fact.

Ok, so for the rest of your nearest and dearest who maybe aren’t on your speed-dial (or maybe even those who are), there are a few other ways to spread the news of you’re going-to-get-hitched-ness:

1. Old-School Mail Engagement Announcements: I don’t know how common these are, as I have yet to receive one in the mail (if you’re my friend and you sent them out — I didn’t get mine.  So… RUDE).  But darnit if they aren’t kind of adorable, right?  It’s basically like those buy-online-and-mail Christmas cards people mail out, only it says “Hey, we’re planning on no longer living in sin approximately 6 months to 2 years from now!” (or something to that effect) instead of “Merry/Happy Christma-Hanu-Kwanzaa-kkah!”

Can I just say that I love the whole “She said yes” thing?  A. Because I think it’s adorable (obv) and B. Because it’s so freaking OBVIOUS.  Wouldn’t it be sort of redundant to send out an announcement that says, “She said no!” or “She said, ‘Can I think about it?'” or “She said, ‘I really just wanted a puppy!'”or something?  (Not to mention highly awkward AMIRITE??)

Moving right along…

2. Online Engagement Announcements: Sort of like E-vite, but for announcing your non-single-lady-ness.  Same idea as the mailed cards, just way more “green” and “2011” and other modern buzzwords.  Paperless Post has a great service that sends classy-looking e-cards right to your face (via your email inbox).  Although, now that I’m looking on their site, I’m not seeing engagement announcement on there…  Hmm… Well, you can use it for your engagement party invite (if you think that E-vite is soooo 2009.  Which it is.)

3. Newspaper Announcement: Yes, just when you thought I couldn’t get any more old school than mailed announcements (SNAIL mail??? OMG WTF LOLZ), I took it a step further and just blew your mind straight up 1900-style.  But for real, there’s still engagement announcements in there.  So feel free to throw yours in with the print and tell your grandma she can see your smiling face in black and white on Sunday morning on her Kindle (because, clearly, you got her one for Christmas last year since they’re only $139 now.  ZING!)

Um…  I find it to be just the tiniest bit creepy…  BUT I’m sure yours (should you choose to go this route) will be supremely adorable and classy.  (And I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you don’t end up with a Charlotte-Hitler-mustache situation.  If you’re a boy and you’re reading this, that’s a Sex and the City reference, just for clarification.  …Are you still there?  If you are, I’m beyond shocked.)

And finally, the most popular option for announcing your engagement…

4. Have a Party!:  Nothing says “We’re engaged!” like flowing champagne (and relatives asking you when you’re gonna start having kids…  REALLY?  REALLY.)  Word to the wise though, people who are invited to the engagement party will likely expect to be invited to the wedding (sooo… that second cousin who always drinks just a tad too much and tried to booty-dance all up on your hot H2B at the last family gathering… maybe leave her off the list for this one).

Alright, now that we’ve adequately covered “spreading the news,” I can get back to the thrilling television programming that is Tuesday nights now (cue me dying of boredom while KC watches sports and Auction Hunters.  Dry heave).

Fun fact: Did you know that when people get engaged, technically you’re supposed to wish the bride-to-be “best wishes” and congratulate the groom?  Apparently it’s so that it doesn’t sound like you’re saying, “Hey, way to go on snagging a husband FINALLY.  We all thought you’d die alone in an apartment with 14 cats.”

Or, y’know, something of that nature…

Hugs, Chelsea