
Oh Hey…

Ready for Costco, and high school.

Uggghhhhh you guys… It’s been, what, a hundred million years since I last posted? Yeah. Holy moly.

Here’s a recap of what’s been happening the last 6ish months: Prim started preschool, Lark became a full-fledged teen (basically, I mean the attitude is REAL, guys), the girls dressed up as birds for Halloween (an owl and a flamingo, it was so cute I could die), we hosted Thanksgiving, we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary/14th dating anniversary (and also figured out that moving countries + kids + jobs + massive stress is all awesome for a relationship — shoutout to our couples therapist for keeping us from murdering each other), Christmas came and went, as did New Year’s, I sent our Christmas cards out on January 7th like the super-together mom that I am, and now we’re rapidly hurtling towards Valentine’s Day and I was finally like, “UGH F@#$ JUST WRITE A F#$%ING BLOG POST ALREADY.”

So in case you can’t tell from the insanity of the paragraph above, it’s been a rough few months. The stress of adulting has been real and I wasn’t actually kidding about the therapy (or the murdering). I wholeheartedly recommend therapy for everyone and every couple — I honestly think it’s one of the best investments you can make for both yourself and your spouse.

But onto what this post is actually going to be about — 2019! That’s right, now that we’re solidly into the month of February, I figured I should share my goals for the new year. (I mean, who’s on top of that sh@# in January anyway? Certainly not me.) So here’s what I’m working on in 2019:

  • Using the gym more. (Please note that I did not say “working out.”) We joined a fancy gym last year that provides childcare, and while I would like to get back on the workout-train, I also want to focus on using the gym more for everything it has to offer — visiting the spa, having a drink at the bar with a friend, or simply just taking a breather (or an uninterrupted shower). The possibilities are endless!
  • Working on our house while working on enjoying our house as-is. We have been putting a lot of time and energy into getting our house together over these last few months — changing light fixtures, rearranging rooms, buying furniture, you name it. While I love seeing it all come together and brainstorming the “last few things” that would finish off the space, I also want to focus on just enjoying the house wherever it may be in the process of getting it to where we eventually want it to be.
  • Letting go of the guilt and thinking more like a “dad.” Now that I’ve been a mom for 3.5+ years, I’m really seeing the difference in the way KC and I approach our parenting duties. We both love being parents and spending time with the girls, but I am much more likely to get wrapped up in and subsequently burned-out by the all-the-time grind of parenting. This is partially because I spend more time with the kids (and don’t even start with me on mental/emotional labor), but it’s also because I haven’t made myself a real priority for quite awhile. This year, rather than give in to the mom-guilt, I’ve decided to take a different approach — when a situation arises that would normally cause me to feel guilty, I think, “What would a dad do?” For whatever reason, (societal expectations, the patriarchy, Trump) dads don’t seem to be plagued by the same dilemmas that cause endless guilt to moms (“Should I go to happy hour on Thursday or be home with the kids? Should I be taking time for myself when I could be spending time with them?”) So now, rather than give in to that voice that tells me I’m a bad mom if I opt out of parenting for a bit, I think about what KC would do (and what I really want to do), and do that — sans-guilt. Taking time for myself here and there isn’t selfish — it’s necessary. I’m a person outside of being a mom, so I’m working on remembering and tending to that in addition to being the best parent I can be.

What are you working on this year? More spa days and less negative self-talk? More broccoli and less chocolate? I mean, gross, but hey, you do you.

4 thoughts on “Oh Hey…

  1. Katie

    I second the therapy recommendation! Such a good investment. We all need a little help now and then. Here’s to 2019 being better than 2018!

  2. Sofia

    Great post! Enjoyed reading this and knowing I’m not alone in the mommy guilt and wanting to murder my husband a large percentage of the time. While also appreciating all that he does for our crazy little family.

  3. Laney Deatsch-McBrayer

    Best wishes for 2019 and working on your goals! I love the bird costumes that my mom(Yvonne) made. Such an adorable pic! All the pics of the girls are wonderful!

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