Lark / Motherhood / Toddler

Motherhood Update: Lark at 18 months

Saying: Oh my gosh… EVERYTHING! Lark is whipping out new words every day now and is proving to be quite the chatterbox. She probably has 100 words at this point, which is sort of insane.Eating: Lark is still a great eater (thank goodness, because age 3 is proving to be P-I-C-K-Y for someone in our house) and eats just about anything I put in front of her, whether it’s pizza or chicken and roasted veggies with tzatziki. The arrival of 6(!) more teeth has made mealtime a bit easier, I think, though the onslaught of them all coming in at once certainly cramped nap and bedtime for quite awhile.

Sleeping: As I mentioned above, Lark recently got 6 teeth over the course of just a couple weeks (all 4 molars included!) It was rough stuff for sure, and I felt so bad for her because she would be soooo tired but clearly unable to sleep through the pain. She ended up staying up late with us a couple of nights, which while not ideal, was pretty sweet nonetheless. I feel like we have had so much less one-on-one time with Lark over the past 18 months than we had with Prim, so it’s nice to steal those random moments with her where there’s no one else stealing the spotlight.

Doing: Lark has finally started walking full-time now. She took her first steps at 15 months while we were vacationing in Vienna, but continued crawling for weeks after that. For whatever reason she decided that she would walk when she was sure she had mastered it — none of this toddling around BS for Lark!

Latest milestone: Lark is walking and climbing and basically trying to do everything Prim does, including climbing up onto the arm of the couch and then jumping onto the seat cushions (cut to me yelling “how many times do I have to tell you not to climb on the couch!” I am SUCH a mom.) With all the walking and talking it has become clear that the baby stage is officially over, and let me tell you, my heart CANNOT TAKE IT.

Favorite toys: I recently unearthed numerous old phones and iPods when we moved into our new house. Having no use for an iPhone 4 or ancient Blackberry, I put the lot of them into the playroom for the kids to play with. Lark loves to make calls and often walks around with the phone up to her ear saying, “Hewo, Pim?” (Hello, Prim?) and let me assure you: it’s the most adorable thing EVER.

Sweetest things: Lark is a much more snuggly kiddo than Prim was, and now when I put her down for nap or bedtime she lays on my shoulder as I hold her and sing to her (she loves “I Will” by the Beatles.) Prim has caught on and now requests I hold her while I sing her song (“Blackbird‘), so really Larky’s snuggliness has turned into a win for all of us.

Favorite thing about this age: Hearing Lark’s vocabulary expand and watching her turn into more of a “kid” is so sweet. She clearly wants to do everything Prim does, and Prim is (usually) very good about including her in her play. One of Lark’s favorite words is “yeah” and it’s so cute asking her a question and hearing her yell out “Yeah!” like it’s the most exciting thing she’s been asked all day.