
Protur Natura Farma

There’s a small farm just a few minutes walk from our hotel here in Mallorca, so we decided to check it out with Prim the other day. We ended up having such a good time that we went back again a few days later too! img_9741img_9745
img_9740The farm has a bunch of different kinds of chickens and what I assume are some weird breed of turkey, but I really don’t know, plus cows, horses, sheep, geese, ducks, and (my personal favorite) goats. You can buy cups of feed for just €0,50, so we bought a couple and meandered around the property with Prim, letting her (attempt to) feed the animals.  img_9742
img_9743The goats were very sweet, so we spent the majority of our time with them. Some of the goats had just had babies (the tiny ones were so cute!) and a few were pregnant. Heavily pregnant goats really give you a good visual on what the later stages of pregnancy feel like, with their huge bellies sticking way out to the side and the way they waddle around on these short little legs. I kept looking at those poor mamas just thinking, “I feel ya.”
This little goat managed to scoot under the fence and escape, but the guy running the place didn’t seem to care so we just hung out with him for a bit and gave him some extra food. img_9747-1
The sheep at the farm were particularly terrifying. Not only were they super aggressive, but the sound they make sounds like a human yelling. I was totally creeped out and scooted Prim past that pen a little quicker. img_9746-1The second day we came back we didn’t have much time to spend, so we only got to feed the goats near the entrance and a few of the chickens. (Which, by the way, chickens are totally crazy and aggressive. Not really a good example of “team players” in the animal kingdom.)

Prim got pretty good at grabbing the feed and dumping it through the fence onto the ground, but the male goat was not having any of this “eating off the ground” business and refused to pick up whatever Prim threw. (Such class.)
You can see that the poor pregnant mama had no problem going after what Prim threw in. I get it — when you’re hungry, you’re HUNGRY. No shame. img_9753-1If you have little kids and are visiting Mallorca I would totally recommend Protur Natura Farma — it was such a fun way to spend a couple of hours!