
Cala Anguila

Earlier this week we took a short drive to a beach that KC’s coworker had recommended — Cala Anguila. The beach was kind of crowded, but the water was clear and beautiful, so we set up shop not too far from the surf and took in our surroundings.

DCIM100GOPRO ^^ The realities of a beach day with a toddler right there. ^^

We have gotten some serious mileage out of Prim’s two swimsuits and swim diaper on this trip. DCIM100GOPRO Prim was not so sure about the water at first, but managed to stay out on the raft for a little while at least. Most of her time at this beach was spent doing her new favorite activity — digging in the sand and covering mama in it (while KC takes non-smiling selfies with the GoPro): DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPRO Prim was quite pleased with herself and her sand masterpiece, and I will tell you that it was a fun mess to clean up back at the hotel. (Sand is so sticky, and it’s frankly impressive how much she manages to get into her diaper and everywhere else.)DCIM100GOPRO I am by far the whitest person on the beaches here, which isn’t surprising — I’m usually the whitest person on the beach in the states too. The Spanish seem to have an affection for the sun that is similar to the Italians though, so most of them are the color of a dark leather handbag. I’m sure I stick out like a sore thumb, and the fact that Prim’s swimsuit has sleeves (or a top at all really) AND she wears a hat just further emphasizes our outsider status.

Earlier in my life this would have made me deeply uncomfortable, as I’ve always been aware of my skin color and it’s “otherness,” but now I just assume that no one is really looking twice at me. Or if they are, maybe they’re just looking at my belly and wondering, “Is it a baby or just too much sangria…?” (How delicious! Don’t I wish it was… 😉 )