Life Abroad

Settling In

We’re on day six in Amsterdam, and yesterday we spent the day at the World Trade Center setting up our residency and bank account and getting our work visas set up. It was fairly easy, but still time-consuming, and by the end of it all Prim was just done with the whole process.

The big news though is that we got an apartment yesterday! We went out with our realtor on Friday and toured seven apartments all over the city. We liked one place the best, and opted to take the weekend to think it over before making an offer.

We took the metro over to the area where the apartment is on Saturday to walk around and get a feel for the neighborhood. It rained most of the day, but given that it rains most days here, we decided we needed to power through.


^^Alexis rightly pointed out that Prim looks like a doll in a toy stroller in this picture, due to the “plastic packaging” rain cover. haha!^^

Prim wasn’t so sure about the whole stroller rain cover thing, and spent a lot of the time trying to push it off the stroller.

img_8722We bought this stroller after deciding to pack and ship our regular stroller with the rest of our stuff. We wanted a lightweight stroller that was compact for travel, but something that would hold up on the cobblestone streets that are so common in Europe. After doing exhaustive research, KC determine that we should get the Babyzen Yoyo, because it had the best suspension system of just about any umbrella stroller, and still folded up small enough to fit in an overhead compartment on a plane (which it did, on both our flights!) It also came with it’s own carry bag and rain cover — something which is usually an additional expense with most other compact strollers.

img_8723It’s been an awesome little stroller so far, but I have to admit that I’m looking forward to moving into our new place and getting our stuff from the shipping company so I can get back to using my regular Bugaboo Cameleon (which everyone has here by the way. EVERYONE!)

We’re set to move into our new place on June 3rd, so I’ll have to fill you in on all the details sometime after that. But it’s exciting that we’re inching closer to being settled here in the Netherlands!

Well, two of us, anyway… img_8721