
Actual Questions I Ask Myself


  1. Is it possible to justify spending $36 on a baby bonnet? How can I convince KC that this is a necessary purchase?
  2. Does anyone notice that I basically wear the same exact thing everyday?
  3. Will I ever feel “put-together” again now that I’m a mom, or am I destined to just feel like I look like garbage most of the time?
  4. Is it possible to lose weight while eating pizza and milkshakes on a regular basis? How can I make this a reality?
  5. Is it possible to win the lottery without actually playing it?
  6. *Remembering something* Did that actually happen or did I dream it? (This happens so often lately, and I legitimately don’t know the answer at least 50% of the time. I might need an MRI. Or maybe just more sleep.)
  7. Do I have Vertigo? Am I dying? (Answer: No, I’m just on BART for way too long.)
  8. Can drinking caffeine kill you? (I actually googled this after Starbucks ignored the “decaf” part of my order. 2 years without caffeine means you feel like you’re on the verge of death when you have it, apparently.)
  9. Did I put on deodorant? (Every. Day.)
  10. What am I forgetting? (It’s always something. Usually deodorant.)