Baby / Motherhood / Primrose

Motherhood Update — Prim at 9 months

img_7174Similar to my monthly pregnancy updates, I thought I’d start documenting what’s new with Prim on a monthly basis. I love looking back at the pregnancy updates and remembering how I was feeling and what was happening at that time, and Prim is changing so quickly, I want to be able to look back and remember all the little details.

Saying: Nothing coherent yet, but make no mistake — this girl is a talker. She started babbling at 6 weeks and has not stopped since. One of her favorite things to do is pull herself up, stand and just yell. KC and I think it’s hilarious, and I love that KC is never going to have a moment of silence again with these two chatty ladies in his life.

Eating: Prim is a really good eater and loves alllll kinds of foods. She’s especially fond of her mama’s lentil soup, black bean and butternut soup, and beef stew. She’s really getting the hang of feeding herself now too — it’s not quite as messy, now that she’s sort of got the hang of the pincer grasp.

Sleeping: Prim’s bedtime routine starts with dinner at 6pm every night and is followed by bath time (because dinner is messy!), lotion and jammies, then storytime and milk with mama before being put to bed around 7/7:15pm. We are super regimented about her bedtime and have been for a long time. Prim seems to really love the structure and routine, and even though I sometimes wish we could scoot out for happy hour with her still, it’s more important to me that Prim is happy and comfortable (and sleeping well!)

Doing: Since Prim really started moving in November she has been all over the place during her waking hours. It’s amazing how fast she can crawl now and she’s pulling up on everything and even starting to cruise a few steps here and there. This phase is simultaneously adorable and terrifying, because she not only falls a lot (and I’m doing my very best to give her space to learn and figure things out) but she also finds the grossest and/or most dangerous thing in the room and tries to put it in her mouth (case and point: the photo above, where she found a rogue race car hiding behind the furniture, right by all the electrical cords. Of course.)

Latest milestone: Pulling up onto furniture is probably the latest, but she’s also learning names for people and pets. We’ll ask her, “Where’s Penny?” and she’ll search until she finds her and we say, “There she is!” My latest challenge is getting her to hand over whatever contraband she’s found digging under the furniture when I say, “Hand that to mama!” It’s a work in progress,

Favorite toys: Honestly, her favorite toys are Penny’s toys because she knows she’s not supposed to play with them. Usually if she’s really quiet it’s because she’s found one of Penny’s chews and is silently trying to sneak away with it so she, too, can gnaw on it. She also loves zippers and sweatshirt strings, and everything goes in her mouth.

Sweetest things: She’s started giving kisses when KC or I ask her, “Can you give mama a kiss?” (though she won’t give daddy kisses yet — only mama). I’m sure I’m the only person who finds it adorable because her “kisses” are literally just her dive-bombing my face with a slobbery open mouth, but I can’t get enough of these sweet, wet smooches.

Favorite thing about this age: My favorite thing about this age is how much her personality is showing now. Whenever we take her places with new people, she takes everything in for a bit (usually insisting on being held by mama until she’s comfortable), but then starts talking and yelling and “fake laughing” (which is the funniest thing ever). She’s clearly a chatty little extrovert and I think we might be in some real trouble about 15 years from now.