
Old Wives' Tales (Guess the Gender)

unnamedA lot of you are probably aware that there are a lot of old wives’ tales which claim to be able to guess the gender of your unborn child before any ultrasound can tell you what you’re having.  A number of people at my work were convinced of their accuracy early on in my pregnancy and asked me a series of questions to try and guess what the wee bairn would be.

Since we now know I’m having a girl, I thought it would be fun to revisit the questions and determine whether the old wives’ tales rang true, or if it’s really just a guessing game.

So here are the questions with my responses:

1. If you have morning sickness, it’s a girl.  If you don’t, it’s a boy.
I had really bad morning sickness for 10 weeks straight, so this one actually rings true.  Result: GIRL

2. If you crave sweets, it’s a girl.  Craving sour/salt?  It’s a boy.
The first trimester I craved nothing besides salt and sour — I wanted nothing to do with sweets.  Now that I’m further along and my morning sickness has (thankfully) subsided, I looove me some sweets; so this could really go either way.  Result: UNDECIDED

3. Use a Chinese Gender Predictor to predict the sex, based on your due date and birthday.
Based on my due date (May 23, 2015) and birthday (April 10, 1984), the Chinese predictor says it’s a girl.  (Though I should note that I tried this out with my sister’s birthday and her son’s due date and it said she was having a girl as well, so that should kind of tell you…)  Result: GIRL

4. If the baby’s heartbeat is regularly above 140 bpm, it’s a girl.  Below 140 bpm — it’s a boy.
Baby’s heart rate was routinely above 140 at each of our doctor’s appointment, so this one might just be (somewhat) accurate.  Result: GIRL

5. If you prefer sleeping on your right side, it’s a girl.  If you gravitate towards the left, it’s a boy.
I toss and turn most nights, not favoring one side or the other.  Result: UNDECIDED

6. If you’re extra moody, it’s a girl.  If you’re even-keeled, it’s a boy.
I definitely haven’t been the most mellow and go-with-the-flow during this pregnancy (though I suspect this would be the same even if Baby D was a boy).  Result: GIRL

7. If you’re clumsy, you’re having a boy.  Graceful as can be?  It’s a girl.
I am the most clumsy these days (the number of times I’ve knocked silverware off the table at a restaurant in the past couple of months is kind of insane).  Result: BOY

8. More headaches mean you’re having a boy, less means it’s a girl.
I’m not generally prone to headaches, but get them occasionally since becoming pregnant (apparently it’s pretty normal due to the increase in blood flow).  Result: BOY

9. If your hands are soft, it’s a girl.  If they’re dry, it’s a boy.
My hands are dry and scaly as ever (reptile hands!)  Result: BOY

10. If you’re carrying high, it’s a girl.  If your belly is low, it’s a boy.
Maybe it’s too early to tell this one, I don’t know, but I’ve been carrying on the lower side for my whole pregnancy to this point.  Result: BOY

GIRL: 4 points  BOY: 4 points  UNDECIDED: 2 points

Sooo, I’d say don’t hang your hat on any of these…  (But they do make for kind of a fun shower game!)

2 thoughts on “Old Wives' Tales (Guess the Gender)

  1. ElissaM

    This test is fun and I might use it on my blog! I’m 19 weeks and we aren’t finding out the gender so it will be fun to guess!

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