Breakfast / Brunch / Food Journal / Lunch

Breakfast x 2

So last night, as promised, I had some dark chocolate and tea after dinner. I end most of my days with chocolate (because, is there really any better way to end it?) I like chocolate that is 72% cacao or more, so I like this one:

Super dark + almonds = YUM!  There’s another TJ’s dark chocolate I like, which I’m sure will show up on here later on…

I also had some tea with my dessert (Weird Sidenote: KC claims chocolate is not dessert.  I think my facial expression was “Ummm WHAT?!?”)  I’ve been trying to drink more tea lately as it’s supposedly good for you…  I’ll let you know if I feel healthier, fitter and happier due to my recent tea drinking binge.  Last night I opted for some Tazo Zen tea with some TJ’s Vanilla Soy.

I like having tea out of my giant California mug, since I’m a California baby (and all my other mugs are tiny since I like small cups of coffee…)  KC had his tea out of the matching Hawaii mug, which we bought in Maui last year.  Oh Hawaii… (cut to me daydreaming about laying on the beach for days on end).

Today I had to be up at what I consider to be the crack of dawn (aka 7:30am), because I had an appointment at 9:30am in San Jose.  I wolfed down a bowl of Kashi Heart to Heart (which, looks a little like dog food I think, but tastes good enough and is a nice change from my regular Cheerios sometimes).

Then raced down 880S to San Jose (and by raced, I mean I drove 40mph the entire way, because that’s about how fast you can go on 880 at 8am on a weekday).

After my appointment I was STARVING, so my mom and I went to breakfast/lunch (aka brunch) at Stacks in Campbell.  I have to admit, I loooove to go out for breakfast.  It’s probably my most favorite meal to eat out.  I don’t get to go out to breakfast much unfortunately, because KC “doesn’t see the point” and it’s generally super unhealthy (so that’s probably more of a “fortunately” than an “unfortunately”…)  Back to the point, I had the egg scramble with veggies and egg whites (the lady asked if I wanted to hold the cheese too, I almost yelled “What are you, CRAZY?!” but pulled it together and politely told her I’d keep the cheese).  There was also potatoes and coffee involved…

Sorry this doesn’t look particularly appetizing (I blame my cheap-ass camera); it was actually quite delicious.  I ate about 2/3 of this (no bagel) and then was STUFFED.  Now we’re back at home and I’m heading out to get a haircut in a few (FINALLY!)  No word yet on what’s for dinner.  Guess I’ll rummage through the fridge in a bit and see what there is to work with.

Off to my hair date!  Over and out.

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