Lark / Motherhood / Toddler

Motherhood Update: Lark at 2.5 years

Larky inherited my skintone, and therefore will be inheriting my love of sun protection (hopefully).

Saying: Lark is in full conversation mode these days, and the things that come out of her mouth are often unintentionally hilarious. She loves imaginative play and is often yelling at Prim to come join in on whatever fantasy she’s creating. Though 2.5 is such a fun, verbal age, I am lamenting the end of Lark’s soft r’s (she’s recently started calling our nanny “Morgan” instead of “Mow-gan,” which is heartbreaking) and she’s also started calling me “Moooo-ooom!” like the teen she apparently is (I usually answer with a similarly intoned “Laaaa-aaark!”

Eating: Lark is much less picky than Prim (thank the lord, because I don’t know that I could manage to battle both of them every night) and will almost always try what’s put in front of her (and usually eat all or most of it.) She has caught on to some of her older sister’s phrases though and will regularly scream “I DON’T WIKE THAT!” and “I want SOMEFING ELSE!” so, y’know, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows — she’s still a toddler.

Lark’s Favorite Things: Lark is very imaginative and loves playing dress-up and pretend. She can often be found in the playroom “putting the babies to bed” while wearing some sort of amazing ensemble like a rainbow tutu, fairy wings, a magenta fleece hat and sequined Minnie Mouse ears.

Reading: Lark is currently very into The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear as well as Love You Forever and Giraffe’s Can’t Dance.

Larky wears her feelings on her face just like her mama.

Latest trick: Lark recently learned how to climb in and out of her crib, after Prim convinced her to climb out of our travel crib on a recent trip to Tahoe. I’m happy to report that this hasn’t been too problematic yet. It’s more that she now has the option to climb out in the morning and go up into Prim’s bunk bed, where the two of them will play and talk until the green light comes on. Though, the pair of them walked out of the room at 8:30pm last night — an hour after I put them down — to tell me that Lark “had a bloody nose” (she didn’t). Luckily I was able to usher them both back to bed without much issue.

Favorite toys: Lark is very into cooking in the play kitchen and can regularly be found stirring a pot of felt food while wearing a “glove” (aka an oven mitt). She will present whatever she’s made and proudly announce, “It’s lemonade!” “It’s soup!” or “It’s chocolate milk!”

Sweetest things: Larky definitely has her own personality and is pretty independent, but man does this girl love her sister. While I suspect that she might have a little bit of a harder time adjusting to a new sibling than Prim did (Prim is pretty much always pumped to have a potential new playmate), I think she will also be so sweet to her new little brother when he arrives. He’s certainly been getting lots of Larky love and attention in my belly!

Aggressive snuggles while watching The Lion King.

Favorite thing about this age: Two and a half is such a sweet age. Lark has so much personality, but is still the snuggliest little thing. She’s really straddling the line between little kid and big kid, and it’s so sweet to watch her navigate relationships with Prim and other big kids, while still holding onto a lot of that little kid sweetness.