Baby / Motherhood / Pregnancy

Place Your Bets!

We already know the gender of this little one thanks to an early blood test, but feel free to take a guess before we officially reveal the gender!

1. If you have morning sickness, it’s a girl.  If you don’t, it’s a boy.
I’ve been sick 24/7 since the first day of week 6, and while I don’t have HG this pregnancy (thank the Lord) I am very far from not having morning sickness.  Result: GIRL

2. If you crave sweets, it’s a girl.  Craving sour/salt?  It’s a boy.
I’ve been craving a weird assortment of things, including a burger very early on (not anymore, ew), deli sandwiches, pickles, and lots of candy. Result: BOY/GIRL

3. Use a Chinese Gender Predictor to predict the sex, based on your due date and birthday.
Based on my due date and birthday, the Chinese predictor says it’s a girl.  Result: GIRL

4. If the baby’s heartbeat is regularly above 140 bpm, it’s a girl.  Below 140 bpm — it’s a boy.
Baby’s heart rate was routinely above 140 at each of our doctor’s appointment.  Result: GIRL

5. If you prefer sleeping on your right side, it’s a girl.  If you gravitate towards the left, it’s a boy.
I have been mostly sleeping on my left side this pregnancy.  Result: BOY

6. If you’re extra moody, it’s a girl.  If you’re even-keeled, it’s a boy.
I haven’t been too moody this pregnancy (I don’t think…) KC might have a different opinion.  Result: BOY

7. If you’re clumsy, you’re having a boy.  Graceful as can be?  It’s a girl.
I haven’t been very clumsy lately. Result: GIRL

8. More headaches mean you’re having a boy, less means it’s a girl.
I’ve had a few more headaches recently, but this was while I was in Palm Springs where it was super hot and I was most likely not drinking enough water. Result: BOY

9. If your hands are soft, it’s a girl.  If they’re dry, it’s a boy.
My hands haven’t been very dry recently (my cuticles are a mess, but that’s a whole other life issue.)  Result: GIRL

10. If you’re carrying high, it’s a girl.  If your belly is low, it’s a boy.
Maybe it’s too early to tell this one, I don’t know, but I’ve been carrying on the lower side to this point.  Result: BOY

GIRL: 6 points  BOY: 5 points

2 thoughts on “Place Your Bets!

  1. Marilyn L Granath

    I still like Prim’s name choice– Cat. Especially since I don’t have my cat anymore (allergies). and I love cats! Perfect for a boy or girl…..
    With love,
    Silly Gramma Lynn

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