Lark / Motherhood / Toddler

Motherhood Update: Lark at 2 years

Saying: Lark’s language skills continue to amaze us. She is so verbal and is now speaking in full sentences. She loves to tell (yell at?) me about her day when I get home from work, which is hilarious and adorable. (“I go to dance class! I go in, Mama!” Lark recently got to join Prim’s dance class since she finally reached the minimum age of 2 to join, so getting to go into the class rather than just staying the waiting room has been a big topic of conversation in our house.) And while Lark’s speech is very clear for being newly-two, I love how she still mispronounces certain words like octopus (“hock-a-post”) and sleep/sleeping (“afweep/afweeping”).

The other day Lark decided that she didn’t need to nap (despite clearly being tired) and spent over an hour standing in her crib screaming. When I finally gave up and got her and Prim up from their “quiet time” (quiet… haha YEAH RIGHT) Prim asked why Lark was so upset. I told her I didn’t know and asked Lark, “Why didn’t you nap today?”
Lark: “I talk to you.”
Me: “You wanted to talk to me?”
Lark: “Yeeeeaah!”

Lark’s Favorite Things: As I mentioned, Lark recently got to join Prim’s dance class, as they have a minimum age of 2 to start. It has been the sweetest to see these girls in their leotards and hear all about how much they enjoyed class and how they “jumped over Swan Lake.” Lark grooves to any music she hears, so I’m glad that she’s bringing her sweet moves into the class now too!

Reading: Room on the Broom, Moon, and I Want My Hat Back.

Latest trick: Lark is slower to warm up than Prim is (although, EVERYONE is slower to warm up than Prim. She’s everyone’s best friend the minute she meets them.) but once she’s comfortable she is so sassy and silly. We are constantly joking about what a teen Larky is because her attitude is so front and center these days. This girl has the best side-eye in the biz, and let’s get real, that serious resting face of hers she gets 100% from me.

Favorite toys: We bought Lark a scooter to match Prim’s for her birthday this year, and while Prim wasn’t really into riding her scooter until age 3, Lark is already a scooting pro (no doubt due to watching her older sister zip around on it). It’s so funny watching her sail by on her scooter with one leg in the air and a big smile on her face.

Sweetest things: Lark and Prim continue to be the best of friends and are so, so sweet together. When Lark joined Prim’s dance class, Prim spent the whole class encouraging her and holding her hand — clearly so pleased that she was finally able to join in the fun. That evening after their first class, we FaceTimed both grandmas and Prim excitedly told them, “Larky was in my dance class today!” which was quickly followed up with Lark yelling, “I go IN! To dance class!” (OMG these girls. I can’t.)

Favorite thing about this age: Lark loves to sing just as much as Prim does and she knows so many songs now. It’s fascinating to see how quickly she picks up new songs, and it’s so sweet to hear her singing to herself before she goes to sleep or from her carseat in the backseat of the car.