Motherhood / Personal

Forgotten Photos, Part Two

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I recently came across some forgotten photos when I uploaded shots from our DSLR after our trip to the Keukenhof. In addition to the photos from the first few days following Lark’s birth, there were also some shots from a few months later. I think these were taken in late July of last year, making Prim about 26 months and Lark around 5 months old. I saw that first photo of Lark and totally laughed because she basically looks like a living doll. Also, those cheeeeeeeks. This was also when Prim’s hair was just getting long enough to be put up into ponytails. It was a big moment for me, even though she would often have them ruined or pulled out of her hair within a matter of minutes.Before Lark was mobile, the two of them would spend a lot of time under that little play gym together. It was so sweet to see them just lay and play together, as though they had known each other and been friends forever. What an unexpected joy it is to find these photos. We use our phones to take photos 99% of the time, so I’m never really stumbling across forgotten moments like this. Finding these was such a treat (and a good reminder that I really need to break out the big camera more often!)