Baby / Holidays


img_7833Our first Easter as a family of three was very low-key. KC was flying back from Arizona the morning-of, having spent the weekend at Spring training with a couple friends, so I held off on giving Prim her Easter basket in the morning so that we could watch her rifle through her treats together.

KC got back right as Prim was enjoying her lunch, so we only had time to get her dressed and then head over to Alexis’ house for an early Easter dinner. I did manage to snap a few photos of these two in their Easter finest before we left though:img_7937^^ Prim was feeling very serious during my first few snaps ^^


We had a delicious dinner of lamb chops, steak, asparagus, bread and salad over at Alexis’, and topped the whole thing off with strawberry shortcake (first good strawberries of the season!)

We even organized an egg hunt for the kiddos, which they loved. We decided to fill the eggs with Cheerios which was quite the hit:


After returning home, we finally gave Prim her Easter basket, which the bunny had filled with books, some new bibs, an egg-shaped portable sound machine, and a new Sophie bath toyimg_7932 img_7933

Prim was mostly interested in pulling things off the Easter basket, but I will say that come bath time last night, the new Sophie toy was quite a hit!

Prim’s onesie dress is from Janie & Jack (sold out, it was a gift from awhile ago — similar here), pink cardigan is vintage (it was my mom’s!), and her bunny shoes are from BabyGap.