Baby / Personal / Primrose

Monthly Motherhood Update — Prim at 10 months

img_7321-1Saying: Prim has been saying variations of “Mama” and “Dada” a lot, but I’m still not fully convinced that she’s using them correctly to refer to KC and I. True to form, she yells what sounds like “Dada!” when excited (like when KC comes home from work) and wails “Mamamama” when stressed or sad. Because of course.

Eating: Prim is still a champion eater, and (according to Alexis) eats like a truck driver. I can’t say this isn’t true — she eats almost as much as I do at meals. We like to joke that she must have a hollow leg with the amount of food she can put away, and it’s especially funny because she’s really such a long, lean baby still — all limbs! Where is it all going?? Her current favorites are soft-cooked eggs on avocado toast, clementines, and kiwi (and she also weirdly loves spicy food!)

Sleeping: Prim sleeps really well, for the most part, though this latest bout of teething has interrupted things a bit. Most nights she’s up just once to nurse, and though I know I could probably drop this feeding, I don’t mind waking up once for a middle of the night snuggle. I just keep thinking that the time when she’s this little is so fleeting, and we have a whole lifetime of sleeping through the night ahead of us.

Doing: This girl is on the move! She crawls at supersonic speed now and is cruising all over the place. She can pull herself up onto her push cart now and push it all the way across the room (though sometimes she prefers to crawl behind it while pushing it with one arm — hilarious).

Latest milestone: I don’t think this is really a “milestone” per se, but she’s recently started dancing when we turn on music. She rocks back and forth on all fours and bobs her head, or sits up and flaps her arms. Sometimes she gets so excited that she kicks her legs out to the side — we call it the “frog dance.”

Favorite toys: She’s been getting more into stuffed animals lately, which is adorable. She has a stuffed fox and bunny that we keep in her crib (I know, I know, calm down everybody), and when she wakes up from a nap, a lot of the time she’ll spend 10 or 15 minutes just playing with the animals (she especially likes touching their eyes, which is really fun for Penny, who basically looks like a big stuffed animal.)

Sweetest things: She’s always been a little bit of a mama’s girl, but it’s now getting a more obvious that she knows I’m her mama and the person she wants if she’s upset. If she falls down (or is maybe just tired and starting to fall apart) she’ll start to wail “Mamamamama” and make a beeline straight for me.

Favorite thing about this age: She is such a little fireball! She squeals and laughs and shrieks and has so many different sounds and emotions now. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with as she adds more words to her vocabulary.