
A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch


IMG_6059 We finally visited the pumpkin patch this past weekend. I can’t remember the last time I went to an actual pumpkin patch. Not that I am not usually in the Halloween spirit or anything (because I actually love Halloween), it’s just usually I stock up on small pumpkins from Trader Joe’s or get one or two large pumpkins for carving from a local grocery store (which, truth be told, we did get our two carving pumpkins from Costco this year — pumpkin patch pumpkins are pricey!) But now that we’ve got Prim, we’re starting all sorts of fun new holiday traditions.

Obviously she’s not super aware of Halloween or what any of it means, but I like that we’re building these fun memories with her all the same.IMG_6063We ended up going to a small local pumpkin patch (no crazy hay mazes or anything) with Alexis and her husband and kiddo + another couple and their 2 year old. The two older kids had a blast tottering around the pumpkins trying to pick them up (even the tiny ones are so heavy for little hands!) IMG_6084IMG_6228We picked out a small pumpkin for Prim, but I’m sure we’re just a few years away from her wanting to take the biggest pumpkin in the joint home to carve. (Alexis and I used to scour a pumpkin patch to find the biggest pumpkin to take home. This was generally foiled by my parents’ rule of “If you want to pick it, you have to be able to carry it.”)IMG_6196 IMG_6199

^^Kitty buns on daddy’s shoulders ^^IMG_6207

Aaaand our very first family photo that doesn’t look completely terrible. (And yes, it did take like 20 shots for us to even get one this good; so even though Prim isn’t really looking and my hair is sort of crazy, we’re gonna go ahead and call this one a winner.)IMG_6216 IMG_6275

^^Auntie Alexis is sneakily holding Prim up in that picture because she can’t quite sit all on her own just yet.^^IMG_6285

^^The thing about being a mom is that like 40% of the time your bra is showing.^^IMG_6323 IMG_6360

^^Not sure what KC’s hand is doing in that picture, but her face is just too cute!^^

IMG_6364 IMG_6368 These two. I love them so much.

IMG_6070Such a fun day! I can’t wait to do it again next year.