
Weekend Things

This weekend we went out for sushi (twice!) because I was craving it (calm down, I get the cooked rolls), got our Tdap shots (my arm is still a little sore), I spent some quality time with the animals after teaching on Saturday morning (Seuss was thrilled to be hanging out with Penny and me):


seriously, get me out of here.

We took a long walk with Penny on Sunday, which pretty much exhausted me (carrying this wee bairn around is no joke these days), so Penny and I recovered on the couch afterwards:


The nesting bug seems to have hit KC as well, as he spent a lot of the weekend tackling projects around the house, getting things prepped for a little lady’s arrival — he mounted 2 TVs, rearranged the bedroom to fit our new mini crib, hung up a few things in the nursery, and painted the ceiling downstairs — something we’ve been meaning to tackle since last June…


Our little house is coming together and looking more and more baby-ready.  I can’t wait to show you the nursery once it’s all (or mostly) finished!