
Pregnancy Update — February

bump feb

I’m getting to the point in my pregnancy where I’m feeling both nervous and excited about the fact that my due date is inching closer.  I’ve still got a ways to go, but all the prep for my maternity leave has started, I’ve pre-registered at the hospital, and we’ve been moving forward with getting the nursery ready, so things are feeling very real over here.  I find that I’m anxious and excited to meet our little girl while also feeling completely terrified and unprepared at the same time.  I guess it’s a good thing I’ve still got a couple weeks and another trimester to go to get myself ready for her arrival!

weeks: 25 1/2

baby’s size:  head of cauliflower (the other option here was rutabaga, but i don’t really even know what that is…)

i’m feeling:  pretty good, but a little tired.  i definitely can feel myself starting to slow down.  regular tasks are getting a little tougher and take me a little longer these days.

food love: citrus!  i am eating oranges by the bag these days — at least 2 at a time!

food hate:  meat by itself for the most part isn’t sounding good still.  i’m definitely working on adding more meat into my diet so i can get the recommended amount of protein each day, but i generally have to work it into a salad, sandwich or some other meal in order for it to sound good.

3 pros for february:  1. i’m officially approaching the end of the second trimester (3rd trimester starts at the end of the month).  i can’t believe how fast time is going!  2. this little lady is moving up a storm these days.  she seems to have trouble relaxing just like her mama.  3. finally looking pregnant enough that people are actually giving up their seats for me on BART on a semi-regular basis.  (which, by the way, women are wayyy better about offering up the seats reserved for seniors/disabled people/pregnant women than men are.  and the younger men especially — forget it.  i don’t know if they’re intentionally clueless or just assholes, but either way it makes me a little crazy — get it together, guys!)

3 cons for february:  1. turning over and getting out of bed are both getting more difficult by the day.  2. getting my shoes on and off is turning into a 3-stooges-type comedy routine.  there’s just no being graceful about it at this point.  3. this belly is growing so much that it feels really tight and stretchy a lot of the time.  not comfy.

currently living in:  my regular gap jeans or BR jeansbellaband still, though I suspect the lifespan on these jeans is nearing the end as my belly is just getting bigger and bigger.  i got a couple maternity tops at pea in the pod, which i love (the polka-dot one in the picture above is one of them).  they’re a nice thick material and have plenty of room to grow, so i’ll definitely be wearing those for awhile.

looking forward to:  finishing up the nursery.  we’ve gotten the crib and dresser set up and are just finishing up with some of the decorative accents.  i’ll have a whole post about the room (including links) once it’s finished!

dreaming about:  relaxing.  the past month has been pretty busy with work and trying to get everything in order at the house (not to mention prepping for maternity leave and doing all the crazy legwork of finding a pediatrician, pre-registering at the hospital, etc.), so i’m hoping that these next few weeks will be a little calmer with a few less tasks on the to-do list.