Little Letters

Little Letters

dr. snap

Dear Dr. Snap:  You are the most hilariously named soda.  (KC and I like to make endless jokes about “Paging Dr. Snap to the burn ward” whenever someone gets insulted.)

Dear The Fault In Our Stars:  Remember how I watched you with KC, and even though I read the book and totally knew what was coming, I still full-on sobbed for 20 minutes after the movie ended?  Um yeah.  Pregnant.

Dear Hormones:  I can tell that you are crazy because I am the most sensitive EVER.  (I literally cry at Christmas commercials, Disney commercials, and any video where animals are being nice to each other.  I can’t even deal.)

Dear KC:  It might be a long 9 months.

Dear Morning Sickness:  I hope you’re just taking one final victory lap before you get the hell out of here for good.  Ugh.

Dear Starbucks:  The Christmas decor is up!  I’m gonna buy so much Decaf Christmas Blend…

Dear Thanksgiving:  I’m so excited for your arrival.  And not just because it marks the official start of the Christmas season (when I get to badger KC with endless amounts of holiday music and cheer).

Dear Baby:  There’s a decent chance we might find out what flavor you are the week of Christmas…  I can’t even think about it.

Dear Belly:  You sure feel a lot bigger than you look these days.

Dear Friends and Blog Readers:  Thanks for all your nice words and support this week — you guys are the best!

Love, Chelsea

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