
Simplifying (because of my addiction)

My name is Chelsea, and I’m an addict.

Hang on a second people — to my iPhone.

I’m addicted to my iPhone.

I don’t think this is all that uncommon.  I think it’s actually becoming more and more prevalent (and dare I say, acceptable?) in today’s day and age.  We’ve got all these mobile devices now that can do anything.  Anytime I’m bored, not bored, standing still, on the move — I’ve got 100 billion apps and pieces of information right at my fingertips.  ANYTIME I WANT.

This kind of power is, well, powerful.  I suddenly found myself attached to my phone more often than not.

Riding in the car?  On the phone.  Riding BART?  On the phone.  Out with friends?  On the phone.  Watching TV?  On the phone.


Then I read this article, about a guy basically dumbing down his smartphone so he wouldn’t be tempted to waste his life on the mobile interwebs.

I didn’t take things quite as far as he did (frankly, having work email on my phone actually makes life easier a lot of the time).  But I did go through my apps and deleted a lot of unnecessary things, then relegated many into category boxes on the second screen (meaning I’d have to swipe over and open a whole other box to get to it — which is less “instant gratification” than having that facebook/instagram/pinterest app front and center on the home page).

Here’s my new home screen (obviously you can see where my priorities lie — public transit, reading, and coffee):

iphone 1And my second screen:

iphone 2Yep, I even relegated Safari into the “Time Wasters” box — because if I really need to look something up, I can get in there.  But most of the time I’m just browsing Yahoo and wasting my life away staring at a little screen.

And, even though I put the WordPress app into the Time Wasters box, that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop posting over here.  It just means that I don’t regularly do anything productive on that app (it’s a pain in the ass to post from).

So, what do you think?  Are you a smart phone addict as well?  Or can you “quit anytime you want to”?

2 thoughts on “Simplifying (because of my addiction)

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