Little Letters

Little Letters


Dear Friday Evenings:  You’re amazing.  That’s all.

Dear Europe:  You’re coming up soon(ish)!  I’m super excited, but also a little stressed that we’ve booked zero places to stay.  I guess we should get on that.

Dear Raw Beet Greens:  Well, you were randomly delicious.  I wasn’t really expecting that.  (Recipe up next week!)

Dear KC:  Remember when you came home with popcorn, Cadbury Cream Eggs and a mixed 12-pack of Sierra IPAs after working late this week?  I love you.  (And you clearly know the way to my heart.*)

Dear Cadbury Cream Eggs:  OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

Dear CSA Box:  OMG with the greens.  I think I’ve met my quota for dark leafy greens for the year already with all the kale, mustard, collards and beet greens you’re supplying.  I’m basically just walking Vitamin A at this point.

Dear Bar Method Students:  What about how I just got certified to teach Level 2 classes?  Get ready for your legs to love/hate me so much.  Frenemies forever.

Dear Rain:  You’re amazing.  I don’t even care that the weather is completely bi-polar lately and swinging between 70’s and thunderstorms, just because you’re so great.

Dear People Who Like to Start Drama for No Reason:  It would be cool if you could find something more productive to do with your time — like focusing on your own life.  Just a suggestion.

Dear 2014:  I think you’re gonna be a big year.  It’s gonna be awesome.

Love, Chelsea

*It’s through carbs.  Obviously.