Little Letters

Little Letters

2005KC and me in his parent’s backyard, Summer 2005

Dear Babies in the Photo Above: What about how 6 1/2-ish years after this photo is taken, you guys will get married?  And how you will uncover this photo 8 1/2 years later, look at it and think how cute, tan and skinny (he) and how young, adorable and baby-fat (she) is.  Also, what about a spaghetti strap tank + white capris and a collared, short-sleeve Hawaiian shirt + cargo shorts?  2005 to the max.  So stylish.

Dear Flipagram: If we never meet again I’d be cool with that.  (It’s official: I’m old and annoyed by everything.  Please get off my lawn.)

Dear Christmas: I can’t believe I have to wait a whole 10 1/2 months before I get to start celebrating you again.  The worst.

Dear Healthy Eating: You’re great and awful all at the same time.  It’s like, I feel great, but then I also want an entire pizza.  Y’know?

Dear Fiber One Chewy Bars: You’re randomly pretty good.  Or maybe my taste buds are just like, OMGSUGAR! by the time I eat you these days.

Dear Yoga: You are so hard sometimes (like when I’m coming back to you after being away for 7+ months).  Also, I am not good at savasana.  Can’t I just be zen already?

Dear 30: You are exactly 3 months away, tomorrow.  Weird.

Dear KC: Busy season is the worst.  I miss you.

Dear January: You are always the worst and I’m going to complain a lot.  Not like you didn’t already know.  The least you could do is get your act together and bring some rain our way.

Dear Rain: What the hell?

Love, Chelsea

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