Little Letters

Little Letters

plush penny

Dear KC: Did you like the ornament I got you that looks just like Penny?  And by “looks just like,” I mean way more than the fat schnauzer ornament at Crate and Barrel, which appeared to be my only other option when I googled “dog ornament.”

Dear Crab Season:  You are so delicious, and I hope I get to celebrate you at Camino soon!

Dear Penny: What do you think Santa is going to bring you this year?  I bet he wants to bring you this, but I bet KC is tying to convince him that you really just want a rawhide bone.

Dear Flu Shot: That one night last week where I felt freezing, achy and awful was weird…  Especially because I felt totally fine the next morning.  Did you save me?

Dear Incredibly Comfy Bed:  We’re going to spend so much time together over the next couple of weeks.  I can’t wait.

Dear Spare the Air:  I get why you exist, but you’re kind of ruining my whole holiday/winter fireplace experience.

Dear Rain:  Where are you?  Let’s not have a repeat of last winter where you were totally MIA.  Was it something I said?

Dear Sorel:  I kind of want all the boots.  Maybe especially the Conquest Carly.

Dear Europe:  What about how KC has almost-kind-of-basically agreed to have us come visit you!  I can’t wait.

Dear New Year’s:  I feel like you’re always sort of a let down.  How about you plan yourself and then go ahead and be super fun and awesome?  That would be great.

Love, Chelsea