Stay Healthy

Pack It Up

Part if the reason it’s so easy to gain weight while working is all the eating out.  When you work for 8+ hours everyday, it’s easy to pack on the pounds when you head out at lunch time and grab a burger or other greasy fare five days a week.  Even when you try to eat healthy while eating out, you’re probably consuming a lot more calories than you realize.  Those giant salads that many restaurants offer are chock full of oil, salt, calories and fat.  (Don’t believe me?  Check the nutrition facts for California Pizza Kitchen’s meal-size salads.  Most are over 1000 calories.  Seriously.)

I have decided that I will be eating out at work only when required by my firm (when clients are in town, etc.), or when I have someone to eat out with.  And, when I do eat outside the office, I’ll do my best to make healthy choices.

This means that, for the majority of the work week, I’ll be bringing my lunch to the office.

Here’s a lunch I brought recently:

I like to snack throughout the day, so I made sure to pack a variety of healthy options.

In case you can’t tell, in my lunch there was: a probiotic yogurt smoothie, a hard boiled egg, a chopped apple with cottage cheese, red bell pepper slices with hummus, and a turkey sandwich (I spread a wedge of laughing cow cheese on it instead of using mayo — less calories and less fat).

I also always have oatmeal in the fridge at work and raw almonds and walnuts in my desk, so I don’t go running for the vending machine when my stomach starts growling.

Even if I’m going out to lunch, I still bring healthy snacks to the office like dried fruit, a hard boiled egg, a yogurt smoothie, or a granola bar.  I have a healthy snack when I start to get hungry (which is usually before lunchtime anyway) and then I’m not famished and over-indulge by the time my lunch date rolls around.  Plus, a mid-afternoon snack keeps my energy up and gives me motivation to not skip out on my after-work Bar Method class.

Remember: planning ahead is a big part of being healthy.  Treat being healthy like a job.  You wouldn’t show up to a meeting with your boss without preparing, right?  Well, showing up to work with no meal plan is sort of the same thing — you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Here’s a secret: a big part of this month’s challenge is making yourself a priority.  Take time to evaluate what you want out of your own life, and make a plan to work towards it.  Being healthy isn’t something that just happens, it’s a daily commitment.  But trust me, when you’re good to your body, you not only look better, you feel better.  And you know what?  This often makes those around you feel better too.  So be good to yourself!  I (and L’Oreal) think you’re worth it.

Ok, I’m off to go pack my lunch! 🙂

1 thought on “Pack It Up

  1. Anjali

    This post made me go out immediately and buy groceries to start bringing lunch to work 🙂

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