Breakfast / Dinner / Food Journal / Lunch / Snack

Back in the Habit

So last night after signing off I went for it:

Welcome to my late night snack: Acme bread and a See’s scotch mallow egg.  First of all, I should mention that the reason I don’t buy bread that often (especially Acme bread) is because I LOVE BREAD.  I have had this love affair with bread pretty much since birth (I used to ask for bread for Christmas.  Seriously.)  Thus, when I buy it (especially when it’s an Acme loaf) I end up eating it non-stop!  As you can see, I went at it from both sides (because, the crust is the best part, I think).  As if that wasn’t enough, I followed it up with the See’s candy egg.  Oh man, this week is going to be rough with all the treats in my apartment (not to mention the birthday festivities coming up later this week and this weekend!)

Luckily, I was back on track today.  I got up and had some Cheerios for breakfast:

Then headed off to Bar Method to spend the day with my main man Mason. I had some coffee (in my trusty red Starbucks travel cup — that thing has been traveling around with my for 2 1/2 years now.  I think the wear and tear may be starting to show…):

I make 12oz of coffee pretty much every morning, but I rarely drink that much.  I’d say I probably drink about 8oz everyday (with cream and sugar, yum!)

I brought snacks to get me through the day at Bar Method.  It’s nice to bring things that are portable and easy to eat, as you never know when you’ll be able to snag a minute to scarf something down when you’re babysitting (seriously, I can see why new moms forget to eat!)

I brought a hard-boiled egg, and orange, a banana, and a TJ’s granola bar:

Those granola bars are so good!  Hannah (one of the Bar Method owners) and I have bonded over our mutual love for the TJ’s Trail Mix bars.  Unfortunately, Trader Joe’s has been out of them for awhile, so we’re both on the hunt for them!  I think with Hannah covering the city and me covering most of the East Bay, we should be able to track some down soon.

Mason and I hung out until 4:15pm, when I hopped into class and had my butt kicked by Hannah (you know a class is hard when doing the 5 minute walk home from BART is tough).  Now back at the apartment; KC ran off to work out and I’m surveying the mess that is our apartment.  Oh well, cleaning tomorrow.  Tonight I’ve got French salad to make (more on that later) and some 2 1/2 hour oven dried tomatoes to get going.  Busy busy.

More later, gotta get dinner going!

0 thoughts on “Back in the Habit

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