Category Archives: Favorite Things

Current Crushes / Fall / Favorite Things / Personal

Current Crushes

November 18, 2014

current crushes

I recently hit the Sephora VIB sale and spent entirely too much money.  And really, I could have easily doubled what I spent — that store is like the adult-equivalent of letting a seven-year-old run rampant through The Sweet Factory for me.  (You can try EVERYTHING!  And you have your own money to BUY IT ALL!)

And let’s not even talk about the impulse purchase section by the checkout.  Um, of course I need everything I just bought in travel-size.  Even if each item is like 1oz and $19.

Clearly, I am the obvious target-consumer for Sephora’s marketing campaigns.

Anyhoo, here’s some of the stuff I bought and some of the things I’m currently loving (makeup and otherwise):

1. Blush: I’m obsessed with blush.  Sometime during college I owned up to the fact that I have SPF-100 skin and realized that a healthy-looking flush was necessary to make it look like I wasn’t about to let-loose my fangs and bite someone’s neck.  I’ve tried a lot of different blushes over the years and have finally found my absolute favorite blush brand: Tarte.  Tarte’s Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush is like a freaking feat of nature.  Somehow it gives you the perfect amount of color and stays all day long (those of you who wear blush can back me on the fact that finding a blush with staying power is near-impossible).  I have two colors — I use Blissful (a light, bright peachy-pink) during the spring and summer months and Memorable (a limited-edition darker rosy-pink I got last year) during the fall and winter.  I also got the NARS cheek palette at the Sephora sale — I like it ok so far, but I’m still kind of figuring out the colors.

2. Shimmer Powder: I also purchased Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in luminous light at the Sephora sale.  I’m still kind of on the fence about whether this is worth the purchase price (not cheap!), but I wanted something for the holidays to boost my makeup look (and let’s face it — I grew up in the 90’s, so I pretty much would love to cover my entire face in glitter and call it a day).  I love the idea of a subtle sheen for candlelit date nights and the upcoming holiday parties, so I’m hoping that this powder is just the thing for that.  (I had purchased the Diffused Light version a long time ago, and while I find the color a little chalky for all-over coverage, I like it as a light powder highlighter — if that makes any sense.)

3. Free Gift: Those of you who regularly shop at Sephora know that they have those 100 and 500-point gifts you can redeem at the counter with your beauty points.  I have amassed some ungodly amount of points, but never seem to find anything I want to redeem when I’m shopping there.  This time they had the Clinique Chubby Stick Lip Balm in Strawberry as one of the options, which I decided the try out (despite the fact that I absolutely hate the name “Chubby Stick” — seriously, who are their branding people?)  I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it out — it feels like chapstick (my go-to lip coverage on most days), but gives you just the slightest hint of color.  And awesome perk — it’s so sheer that you can actually put it on without a mirror, without worrying that it will look like some makeup-hungry 6-year-old got their hands on you.  Perfect for everyday wear — I’ve been throwing it into my purse and work bag and wearing it just about daily.  (Another good option which is a little cheaper is the Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain sticks.  They aren’t quite as sheer as the Clinique sticks, but over chapstick they have pretty much the same effect — I’m wearing Romantic in the photo above.)

4. Accessories: Since I’m pregnant, I don’t want to spend a bunch of money on buying a ton of new clothes which are only going to fit me for only a limited period of my life.  So rather than giving into my “OMG I have nothing to wearrrr” complaints, I have been investing in a few accessory pieces instead (since those always fit!  Am I right?)  I got a new statement necklace at Banana Republic recently (so fun for the holidays!) as well as the gold and leather necklace in the photo above (and let’s just ignore my hair up there, ok?  I kind of don’t believe in brushing it anymore.  Lucky KC.) — the necklace isn’t on the website for some reason, which is probably why it was on super sale when I bought it.  I’ve got my eye on these earrings as well — I guess we’ll see if I get into the store while they’re still available!  I also snagged a new pair of booties on super sale at Nordstrom Rack recently (I got the gray leather).  They’re surprisingly comfy despite the fact that they have a bit of a heel (I have the knee and back of a 150-year-old, so I generally opt for flats), and make me feel like I look at least a little bit stylish, even with my baby bump, which these days mostly just makes me look like I’ve been hitting the Halloween candy HARD.

5. Currently Coveting: I’ve been going back and forth over whether or not to purchase a new lipstick — specifically MAC Sin.  I love the look of a deep, dark lip color on some other ladies, but will I look like I’m some sort of goth?  Or like I totally just fell out of 1996?  (Remember the brown lipstick everyone wore with their super-light, powdery makeup back then?  I was obsessed but too young to try it out.)  Maybe I’ll pull the ultimate cheap move and order it from Nordstrom, since their return policy is crazy-amazing.  (Um yeah, I’ve totally returned lipstick there before…)  Oh yeah, and since the world apparently decided that diaper bags should be the ugliest looking accessory ever, I think this tote in chestnut might be just the thing to haul kid-gear for quick outings when le bébé arrives.  (Dear Diaper Bag Designers:  No.  Just no.)

I was going to add in what I’ve currently been using on my skin (both with and without makeup), but I think I’ll save that for another post, cuz it’s kind of long.  (And are you even interested?  I mean, I realize I kinda just post whatever on here and don’t worry too much about who actually reads it, but y’know…)

Hope you’re having a good week so far!  And feel free to post comments if you have any questions. 🙂

Fall / Favorite Things / Personal / Resolutions

My Fall Bucket List

October 13, 2014


It’s officially been fall for a few weeks now, so I’ve started thinking about what I’d like to knock off of my fall bucket list this year:

  1. Have the first fire of the season in the fireplace (y’know, once it’s not a million degrees outside)
  2. Spend a rainy day inside watching movies under a blanket (with lots of popcorn)
  3. Figure out how to make a scent on the stove that makes the whole house smell like the holidays
  4. Paint the ceiling downstairs and finally finish off that freaking laundry/family room (uggghhhh)
  5. Post about our little basement redo (complete with floor install!)
  6. Make applesauce from scratch
  7. Make some sort of fall muffin (plum streusel? apple bran? pumpkin cream cheese? So many options!)
  8. Indulge KC and try his special fall-cocktail (Fireball + hard apple cider.  But seriously, ew.)
  9. Take a walk outside with Penny once the air is nice and crisp (and step on every single crunchy leaf I see)
  10. Host Thanksgiving for the second year in a row (like a boss!)

What’s on your list this year?  Fall knits + sweater snuggles with a special someone?  Pumpkin-based everything all the time?  I’d love to hear all about it!

Cocktails / Dairy-Free / Date Night at Home / Drinks / Favorite Things / Gluten-Free / Happy Hour / Vegan / Vegetarian

Monk's Garden Copycat Cocktail

January 29, 2014

I have a ridiculously delicious, pink (!) cocktail for you today.  And don’t worry, this isn’t one of those grossly sweet, girly pink cocktails — it’s a well-balanced, citrusy-bitter type of cocktail.

I mean, KC was even singing the praises of this cocktail, so don’t rule it out just because you’re manly.

This cocktail came A. from my quest to use a pomelo which had shown up in our most recent CSA box, and B. from my desire to recreate the cocktail I’m obsessed with at one of my favorite eateries — Boot and Shoe Service.  The cocktail is called the Monk’s Garden (I have no idea why), and it’s bright, refreshing, a tad bitter, and, of course, pink (hello).  The traditional cocktail uses grapefruit and yellow chartreuse, but I didn’t have either of those (and yellow chartreuse is sort of absurdly expensive), so this copycat was born.

And y’know what?  It tasted spot-on to me.  Dead ringer for one of my favorite $10 beverages.

So next time you’re having a date night at home, or a fancy girls-night-in, whip up a couple of these (maybe even top it off with champagne..? OMG WHAT.)

Monks Garden Copycat Cocktail

Monk’s Garden Copycat Cocktail

makes 2 cocktails (feel free to cut in half to make just one — but why would you want to?)



  • 3 oz gin*
  • 1.5 oz St. Germaine
  • 3 oz fresh-squeezed pomelo** or grapefruit juice
  • 1.5 – 2 oz fresh-squeezed lime juice (depending on how tart/bitter you want your cocktail)
  • scant 1/2 oz simple syrup*** (optional — you won’t need this if your grapefruit is really ripe)
  • 7 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters
  • ice
  1. Add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously for 60 seconds.
  2. Strain into two chilled cocktail glasses and enjoy!


*Gin: I used Hendricks Gin in these.  I wouldn’t recommend Tanqueray for this cocktail (too piney for these, I think).

**If you use pomelo rather than grapefruit, you may need to add a little more simple syrup to balance out the bitterness.

***For the simple syrup, I prefer to start without it and then add a little if I feel like it needs it (remember: you can always add, but you can’t subtract!)

Favorite Things / Holidays

My Christmas Wish List

December 18, 2013

Yes, some of these items are “out there,” but why not dream big, right?  I mean, I was extra-good this year. 😉

SofaCrate and Barrel Lounge Sofa in Chinchilla

rugCrate and Barrel Olin Grey Striped Rug (for our office)

toteBanana Republic Ashbury Tote in Burgundy (to haul workout wear in style)

slippersMinnetonka Slippers (and yes, I’m aware that my feet are tiny)

ice cubeKing Cube Ice Cube Trays (for cocktails!)

jiggerAntique Silver Jigger (also for cocktails)

ice scoopAntique Silver Ice Scoop (so fancy, right?)

mixing glassYarai Mixing Glass (I think I must have been very stressed and dreaming of happy hour when I made this list…)

blanketCozy Knit Throw (because if you haven’t noticed, it’s been freezing lately)

What’s on your wish list this year?

12 Dates of Christmas / Favorite Things / Holidays / weekend

The 12 Dates of Christmas — #7

December 16, 2013

KC and me early daysKC and me, the early days

On Sunday we went out and ran errands together.  I was on the search for wrapping paper, to get through the last few gifts that had just been hanging around the house, unwrapped and taunting me.  I was on the hunt for plain brown paper — and who the heck knew that it would be so difficult to find?  All Target had was a bunch of Christmas paper that was $5 for the skimpiest of rolls.  No bueno.

We rounded out our shopping at TJ Maxx and BevMo, but not before re-living part of our very first date by stopping for lunch at Chili’s.  I agree that Chili’s is somewhat trashy, not romantic in the least, and a little disgusting when it comes to portion sizes (although, The Cheesecake Factory really takes the cake in that arena); but, 9 years minus one week ago yesterday, KC came down to San Jose to “hang out as friends” over winter break during our junior year of college, and wouldn’t you know it, that’s how our love story began.  We had been hanging out a little bit at school, and chatting late into the night on AIM quite a bit ( ← how about that for dating myself?), but I was quite adamant that I “didn’t want a boyfriend” and we were definitely both playing it cool (y’know, college).  Even so, while having coffee with a good friend earlier in the day, I confided in her that I “kind of liked him” and that I was, in fact, a little anxious about KC coming all the way to San Jose to hang out with me.

I remember nervously waiting in my parent’s kitchen for him to drive up; he pulled up in his green Acura (quite a nice car, given our respective ages).  He got out of the car and he had gotten a haircut since school had ended and wasn’t wearing his usual uniform (he didn’t cut his hair the entire first quarter, and lived in trainers and big UCLA sweatshirts — can you imagine why I wasn’t instantly smitten?).  I had been wondering if the crush I wasn’t admitting to myself I had would be affirmed or completely snuffed out by seeing him in person — and wouldn’t you know it, I got butterflies.  KC walked up all cool, tall, and confident, and spent the rest of the day being his charming, funny self.  We started things off by going to lunch at Chili’s together (not a date! we were adamant — we went dutch).  And to this day we still reminisce about that “first date that wasn’t but then it was” that all started at Chili’s.

And so, amidst the dirty floors, greasy fare, and overly-loud patrons, we had lunch there this weekend.  We talked about the last 9 (!) years together — how it seems inconceivable that next year we will have been together a decade — an entire third of my lifetime, at that point.  And how it somehow doesn’t feel like we’ve been together that long, but when you think back to when we were first dating it also feels like forever ago.

And just like that, it was butterflies all over again.