Category Archives: Fall



November 4, 2013

Halloween 3I hope your Halloween was very festive and full of treats.  We got into the spirit by dressing up as a family of bugs — KC was a spider, I was a butterfly, and Penny was a bumblebee (and actually didn’t mind her costume — she wore it all night!)

My sister and brother and their significant others came over for the evening.  We gave out candy to (the very few!) trick-or-treaters who came by, watched Young Frankenstein, and had a big dinner together of spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and caesar salad.  A good time was had by all (and not just because everybody got to take home a bag full of candy at the end of the night).

Now that’s it’s officially November, I’ve been seeing glimpses of the holidays just about everywhere.  I can’t tell you how excited I am to spend our first Christmas in our new place with Penny.  Really, if Penny was a human, she would be Buddy the Elf from Elf.  Seriously, she even eats cotton balls if we don’t watch her closely enough.

Posting will be sporadic this week because KC and I are on vacation, but I’ve got a few things scheduled to post over the next week or so.  Hope you all have a great week!

Breakfast / Brunch / Dairy-Free / Drinks / Fall / Gluten-Free / Sweet / Vegan / Vegetarian

At-Home Stovetop Mochas

October 23, 2013

IMG_1633Y’all know I have an intense love for coffee.  (If you don’t — hi, I’m Chelsea, it’s nice to meet you.)  While I normally just opt for straight brewed coffee, sometimes it’s nice to liven things up a bit (y’know, like with sugar.  And chocolate.)

I, honestly, love a mocha.  I mean coffee + chocolate?  What’s not to like?  However, I find that ordering a mocha at many coffeehouses tends to be like OMGCHOCOLATE&SUGAR!! + coffee.  I mean, I love a hot chocolate on occasion; but if I want a mocha, I want it to be a nice balance of chocolate and coffee (with an emphasis on the coffee).  Because of this, I like to make mochas at home.  Stovetop mochas = you control the coffee/chocolate ratio.  That’s right my friend, you are the master of this combination.  You can even require that people refer to you as “your Excellency” when you make these.  (*Note: I mean, you can require it… but whether that actually happens…)

So with that, Mocha Masters, let’s get started.


First — a little note about the coffee in these: I like to use espresso in my mochas, because it’s both traditional and delicious.  While I do own a Nespresso, I like to use my Bialetti stovetop espresso maker ↑ for these.  If you don’t own an espresso maker, you can always make your own double-strength coffee and just use that.  (I would use 4 tbsp. fresh, finely ground coffee — ideally an espresso roast — per 1 cup of water.  You’ll only need about 1 cup for these.)


Stovetop Mochas

serves 2

  • finely ground espresso (about 4 tbsp)
  • chocolate of your choice (about 4 tbsp) — I use semi-sweet chocolate chips, usually
  • tiny pinch of salt
  • 1-2 tsp. sugar
  • 3-4 cups milk (again, your choice — I did a 50/50 mix of nonfat and half and half)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  1. Prepare your espresso by filling the bottom of your espresso maker with fresh, cold water up to the bolt.  Place grounds into the basket until full, then lightly tamp down.  Screw the top on the espresso maker tightly, then set over high heat and let it come to a boil.
  2. Place chocolate, salt, sugar and about 1/4 of the milk into a small pot over medium heat.  Heat until small bubbles start to appear on the sides of the milk, then stir or whisk constantly until milk is heated and chocolate is fully melted and dissolved (about 2 min).  Add remaining milk and heat until just warmed through (about 3 min).  Turn off heat and whisk in vanilla extract.
  3. When espresso is done (all the water has boiled through the top of your espresso maker), pour the espresso into the milk mixture and stir to combine.
  4. Pour into cups and top with whipped cream if you’re feeling fancy.



This recipe is really easy to customize, so play around with it until you get the flavors the way you like them.  Some people will like more or less chocolate, more or less sugar, different milk (to make it dairy-free use soy, hemp, almond, or rice milk), etc.  You can also play around with the extracts — adding about 1/4 tsp. of peppermint extract would be fun for the holidays.  Or maybe serve it with a cinnamon stick to make it more of a Mexican chocolate mocha.  You could even add a dash of cayenne if you wanted to get real crazy.  Do what you want — you are the mocha master!

Dinner / Fall / Gluten-Free / Salads / Savory / Stay Healthy

Autumn Sweet Potato Salad

October 22, 2013

IMG_1624Are you currently up to your ears in sweet potatoes?  I am.  We’ve gotten them in our last two CSA boxes, and now have multiple football-sized tubers hanging out in our kitchen.

This salad is one of my favorite ways to use sweet potatoes.  It’s quick and easy, and only involves a few ingredients.  It’s hearty, satisfying, and tastes indulgent (even though it’s pretty darn healthy).

Also, if you’re tasked with making a salad for a Thanksgiving meal, this would be a great option.

Autumn Sweet Potato Salad

Serves 2 as a main dish, 4 as a side

  • 2 small or 1 large sweet potatoes, cut into 1″ dice
  • 3 slices prosciutto
  • 1 bag baby lettuce (I used spring mix)
  • 2 handfuls tomatoes, diced
  • 2 oz goat cheese, crumbled
  • 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. (+ more for potatoes) olive oil
  • s&p
  • optional: dried spices (thyme, basil, oregano)
  1. Preheat oven to 425°.
  2. Toss sweet potatoes in olive oil, salt and pepper, and dried spices (if using — about 1 tsp. each).  Bake for 20 minutes (or until browned and cooked through).
  3. Bake prosciutto for 8-10 minutes of the baking time.  Place in a single layer on a baking sheet, remove when browned and crispy, and let cool.  (I add this to the baking sheet when I put the potatoes in, then remove halfway through the baking time).
  4. Place lettuce, tomato, and goat cheese into a large salad bowl.  Once cool, crumble cooked prosciutto on top.
  5. Add potatoes when done cooking, then toss with 1T red wine vinegar and 1T olive oil + salt and pepper.

Yum yum.




October 14, 2013

halloweenKC and I spent a Friday evening decorating our house and front yard for Halloween.  We don’t own a whole lot of Halloween decor (in fact, basically everything we own was from the time KC surprised me by decorating our old (teeny-tiny!) apartment for Halloween).  But, we have enough to make things look at least mildly festive.  Also, when in doubt, just buy a bunch of pumpkins and cover everything in fake spiderweb — instant Halloween.

I love Halloween.  And it’s not just because I love costumes and candy (I mean, I love candy).  It’s mainly because I see Halloween as the official start of the holiday season.  And while some of you may roll your eyes at Christmas decor that seems to infiltrate the shelves in July — that’s not (really) what I’m talking about.  I love that with the start of October it’s like the whole world shifts into fall and then quickly slides into winter.  The days get shorter, the nights get colder, and suddenly it’s completely appropriate to spend your Friday night curled up on the couch in PJs watching a movie in front of the fire (possibly while consuming Halloween candy… y’know.)  Days are spent heating the kitchen with baked goods being cooked in the oven, or lingering over coffee with a friend when it’s gray and drizzly outside.  Then before you know it, just hear those sleigh bells jing-a-ling, ring-ting-ting-a-ling…  Ahhh, I can’t wait!

I’m doing my best to soak up every second of fall, and am kid-at-Disneyland excited about the upcoming holidays — I hope you are too!

Budget-Friendly Weekend Fun / Dairy-Free / Dinner / Fall / Gluten-Free / Savory

Taco Night!

October 10, 2013

Taco Party 1On a particularly delicious Saturday night, we had some friends over on a whim and made a bunch of tacos.  I had never really made tacos for a crowd, and don’t normally cook for more than two people, so I was a little nervous about how everything would turn out.  Luckily, tacos are surprisingly easy to make for a group, and always a hit (at least in the crew I run with).

Here’s what was on the menu:

  • Marinated Carne Asada (I bought this at TJs — pre-marinated and everything.  So easy.)
  • Chopped yellow onion + cilantro
  • Homemade salsas (red & green)
  • Roasted veggies (I had some poblano chilies, green bell pepper, onion, and jalapenos that I tossed in olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin and red pepper flakes and roasted)
  • Refried beans (from a can — I’m not quite that ambitious yet)
  • Spanish rice (it was “Spanish” rice, as it was really just a recipe I kind of made up.  If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll post the recipe.)
  • Corn tortillas
  • Oh yeah, and beer (obviously)

Taco Party 2Fall Bucket List progress, coming along nicely:

  1. Make spiced (and y’know, probably spiked) cider
  2. Master some sort of new pumpkin baked good
  3. Make at least 2 new kinds of soup (I’ve got my eye on a Thai-spiced squash soup, currently)
  4. Keep our new fiddle leaf fig tree alive (3 days in — so far so good)
  5. Have a taco night with homemade salsas
  6. Learn to make falafel
  7. Decorate for Halloween and watch my favorite flicks on the 31st — Young Frankenstein, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Hocus Pocus.  (Yes, I’m 12.)
  8. Host Thanksgiving and finally use our wedding china
  9. Clean out the hall closet and install cabinet latches in the kitchen (OMG that closet… It’s like the inside of my brain — just crammed full of sh#$)
  10. Finally paint those last two dining chairs that just hang out in our hallway (ugh, I’m annoyed just thinking about this one.  I hate crafts.)