Little Letters

Little Letters

nursery shelf

Dear KC:  Thanks for painting the shelf for Baby D’s nursery last weekend.  It looks amazing and you’re the best.

Dear Baby:  Your room is slowly but surely coming together!  Who knew that 6 feet by 12 feet could hold so much adorableness?

Dear Heartburn:  Uggggghhhhhh so terrible and all the time.  (Fun fact: a banana gave me heartburn the other day.  Yeah, a BANANA.)

Dear Crazy Dreams:  I’ve heard that having weird dreams about having a baby are normal when you’re pregnant, but what was the deal with that “plane crash into the ocean full of sharks” dream?  Maybe I’m feeling a little out of control of my life these days?  (And yeah, I did bitch out the pilot after we crashed.  Obviously my personality doesn’t change much even when I’m asleep.)

Dear Glucose Test:  I’ll most likely have to take you tomorrow.  Booooooooo.

Dear Scale:  You’re reaching numbers I’ve never seen before (even during my chubby community college days).  So weird.

Dear Beer:  You smell amazing but still taste disgusting.  Apparently my body knows what its doing.

Dear Maternity Leave:  I can’t believe you’re only 10 weeks away.  Holy moly.

Dear Weird Cravings:  So far you haven’t been too weird, but that whole desperate need for a turkey and cheese panini at 9:30am on Sunday morning was a little out of the norm.

Dear Weekend:  I hope you’re full of rest and delicious food.  Get here soon.

Love, Chelsea