Little Letters

Little Letters

Miley Concert

Dear KC:  Remember when we went to the Miley Cyrus concert with all the teens?  We are old (but free tickets are fun).

Dear Miley Cyrus:  I’m not sure if you’re some sort of crazy media genius, or just straight up crazy.

Dear Young concert fans:  Um, does your mom know you’re wearing that?

Dear Rain:  Yessssssssssssssss!

Dear Hair:  Extra-big with the rain, hmm?  Fine with me.

Dear Weekend:  Hurry up!

Dear Penny:  Are you ready for a rainy weekend walk?  Good thing we bought you that tiny blue raincoat (and how nice that it has a pocket so you can carry your own snacks).

Dear People who walk and smoke at the same time:  A. The smoking — really?  B. The walking while smoking so I can’t get away from you — REALLY?


Dear BART rush-hour commuters:  Let’s all learn to move our asses down the aisles so that people can actually get onto the train?  Just a thought.

Love, Chelsea