Little Letters

Little Letters


Dear Ace Hardware: Thanks for helping me figure out what the heck I needed to buy in order to get our kitchen sink faucet to stop leaking.  Even if it did take 3 sales associates 15 minutes to figure out that you had the parts (since our faucet is apparently “super old”), I’m glad that it only cost me $4.85 to figure out what the heck an “O-ring” is.

Dear KC: Thanks for using your magical fix-it skills to put the faucet back together and get it to stop leaking all over the place.  You’re amazing.

Dear Washer and Dryer: It’s so awesome that you exist inside our house.  It’s so much better than scrounging for quarters and lugging everything up to the roof or to a laundromat.  I do wish that you could magically wash and fold all my clothes on your own though…

Dear Seuss: You don’t seem to be catching on to the fact that we’re trying to teach you not to whine in the morning with the spray bottle. It would be a lot easier if you were just a tiiiny bit smarter (or maybe if you just like, gave a sh!# and gave into what we’re trying to accomplish here).

Dear Penny: I understand that your new favorite thing is to perch on top of the couch in front of the window and growl menacingly at all the people who walk by, but I’m pretty sure that the young couple walking with the Baby Bjorn weren’t about to rob us.

Dear Weekend: Get here soon.  I miss you.

Dear Busy Season: Get out of here.  I opposite of miss you.

Dear Soup and Salad Repertoire: What about how much you’re growing because KC and I aren’t going out to eat these days?  I could probably write an entire cookbook with all the soup and salad recipes up inside this brain.

Dear Scale: I get that you’re like “kind of” helpful, but ignorance is so much better most of the time.

Dear Jeans that didn’t fit:  Cool that you fit now.  9.5 weeks to go.

Love, Chelsea