
The Truth About Breastfeeding (part two)

January 20, 2016

Like I mentioned in part one, I had a lot of misconceptions when it came to breastfeeding. And once I was over the hurdle of figuring out how to get Prim to latch correctly and nurse effectively, I naively thought that my breastfeeding challenges were over. And while I was on maternity leave — they were, […]


The Truth About Breastfeeding (part one)

January 19, 2016

I’ve talked a little bit about breastfeeding on here before, but now that I’m a solid 8 months into breastfeeding, I thought I’d talk a little bit more about some of the challenges and surprises that I’ve encountered. Before giving birth I thought breastfeeding, for the most part, was just something that “happened.” After you […]

Baby / Favorite Things / Pregnancy

Favorite Things for Breastfeeding

June 29, 2015

As I mentioned before, I didn’t have the easiest start breastfeeding Prim. However, I’m now a fairly competent (and confident!) breastfeeder, so I thought it might be helpful to share the things that helped me when I was starting to breastfeed. A lot of these items I still use (though there are a couple things […]

Budget-Friendly Weekend Fun / Covid19 / Motherhood / Toddler

Quarantine Activities

March 16, 2020

Here are some ideas for adults and kids to stay sane amidst the insanity (please note that I have two toddlers, so a lot of the “kids” ideas are geared toward that age range): For Adults: Baking/Cooking: with or without your kids! I make dinner every night sans children, but am planning on having the […]

Baby / Lark / Motherhood

Motherhood Update: Lark at 15 months

May 18, 2018

I’m a couple days late in posting about this little love, but we’re in full move-management mode right now, which has kind of taken over a lot of my brain.  Saying: Lark seems to be picking up new words on a daily basis right now. I am constantly surprised by the words coming out of her […]