
10 Embarrassing Facts About Me


  1. A couple weeks ago I fell running up an escalator trying to catch a BART train. Like full-on-ate-shit kind of fall. And you’d better believe that I picked myself up, scooted onto that train and acted like nothing happened, even though my hand was totally bleeding.
  2. I generally only wash my hair once a week. It’s partly because I can get away with it and partly because it’s just way too much work.
  3. I watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and not in an ironic way.
  4. I can’t watch scary movies because I won’t be able to sleep afterwards.
  5. I have a completely irrational fear of moths. I just can’t deal with their meaty bodies and the way they fly at your face.
  6. I once cried at a restaurant because they were out of baked potatoes. (I was on a date with KC, so that should give you a rough idea of how old I was.)
  7. I’ve never had braces on my teeth, and I feel like it’s becoming more and more obvious that my teeth are crooked as I get older.
  8. I say “braces on my teeth” because I did, in fact, have braces on my leg in high school — after having knee surgery twice. Try to look cool wearing a full-leg brace for weeks while you’re 16. (It’s impossible.) I wore overalls almost everyday because they were the only pants that were wide enough to fit over my brace at the time.
  9. After I had a manual D&C to stop my postpartum hemorrhage (the most painful 20 seconds of my whole life), I thanked the doctor who performed the procedure. His response? “You shouldn’t be thanking me for that.” Um, noted.
  10. I originally titled this post “20 Embarrassing Facts About Me” but then wimped out and changed it to 10. (Hey, we all have our limits.) Oh, and obviously I take embarrassing selfies with Prim. 😉