Birthdays / Personal

To My Sister


There are few things in life that are better than having a sister.  And having Alexis as a sister?  There’s pretty much nothing better.

Alexis is the kind of sister who will push and scream at a boy who has just pushed you down onto the sidewalk when you’re 9 years old.

She’s the kind of sister who will stick up for you when you want your curfew extended junior year.

She’s the kind of sister who will come home from college classes the week after you’ve had knee surgery for the second time and take you and your crutches to Fresh Choice (and carry your tray for you while you hobble through the buffet line).

She’s the kind of sister who will live with you while you’re both in law school and help you through finals by agreeing that a Boboli pizza and a terrible Lindsey Lohan movie is a much better idea than spending another two hours trying to understand the Rule Against Perpetuities.

She’s the kind of sister who will not only be your maid of honor in your wedding — she’ll bake your wedding cake for you (and high-five you after the ceremony).

And she’s the kind of sister who makes you have conversations like, “I think I could move away from everybody else, but you would have to come with me.”

I realize that I may be a little bit biased, but I’m pretty positive that I have the best sister in the world.

Happy birthday, Alexis.  I love you, I’m so lucky to have you, and I can’t wait to celebrate another year with you!

0 thoughts on “To My Sister

  1. Alexis

    I love you too! Thanks for the birthday post. I agree – there really are few things better in life than having a sister. So glad you are mine.