Little Letters

Little Letters

IMG_1377Dear Penny: Remember when you ate something poisonous and you were sick all weekend?  That was the worst.  And I have no idea how people have children, because it’s hard enough having a sick dog (and by hard, I mean really, really, ridiculously sad).*

Dear Couch: You’re great, but so small!  (Especially when KC takes up alllll the space).  We might have to breakup.

Dear Thanksgiving: You’re officially one week away.  I’m simultaneously excited and totally nervous about your arrival.

Dear Wine: If you thought we were BFF’s before this, just wait until next Thursday.

Dear Christmas: Omgicannotwait.

Dear Sierra Celebration Ale: You really are something to celebrate.  (And you remind me of my wedding!)

Dear Bar Method L2 on Monday: You’re really hard after taking 2 weeks off for vacation.  My arms are still sore.

Dear Yoga: I know we need to start seeing each other again, I’ve just been really busy lazy.  Let’s plan a date for after New Year’s?

Dear House: You are so clean!  Paying a housecleaner is the best money I’ve ever spent.

Dear KC: Remember when I got tired of cooking all the time so you stepped up and made dinner or ordered takeout on the nights I was out late?  I love you.

Love, Chelsea

*Don’t worry, Penny was sick a long time ago.  She’s her normal, happy, bouncy self now 🙂