
I’m the Worst

Remember when I was all, “I made new year’s resolutions!  I’m gonna blog more!”  ← Lies.  (Clearly.)  Because it’s been 3.5 months and it’s been crickets on here (that means silence).  Argh.  To be fair though, I have been doing my best to stick to my whole “say yes more” plan for this year.  So way to go me.  (Not so much way to go on the whole keeping up with the blog thing…)

Moving right along…  Let’s get caught up, shall we?  What’s happened in the past 3.5 months?  Any news to share?  (I’m not pregnant.  Now that I’m married I feel the need to share this fact all the time.  Not that my constant consumption of alcohol doesn’t do this for me; but, y’know, people seem to have expectations when you tie the knot.)

Well, since I’ve been the worst blogger on the planet, here’s how I’ve actually kept up with my other resolution.  Here’s what I said yes to in the last 105-ish days:

  1. A new job!  Whoop!
  2. A new car! (to go along with my new 75-mile-a-day commute)  Because my 2000 Honda Civic was going to blow off the San Mateo bridge one day, I was sure of it.
  3. A big fancy trip to Europe with KC.  ← We’ve been talking about going forever (he’s never been!) and have always found some excuse not to plan it.  Well, last week we bit the bullet and booked that sh#@ on miles (hooray for credit cards!)
  4. Not having everything figured out for the future.  (Yes, I said “yes” to ambiguity.  It was really hard.)  Those of you who know me well, know how much I love a plan (give me a path to follow, a list to check off, and it’s on like Donkey Kong.  ← I grew up in the 90’s so leave me alone.)  However, after many a stressful conversation trying to figure out just what to do with that damn thing called “the future,” KC and I finally agreed to just take things as they come for awhile.  That’s not to say that we’re not taking steps to prepare for the future, (Hi, law school loans, so nice to be paying you off in massive increments every month.  No it’s not.) we’re just not planning to have everything figured out and be all grown-up and settled in the next year or two.  Because why be a grown-up and get yourself tied down with a mortgage and stuff when you can rent a 400 sq ft apartment in a dicey part of Oakland?  My point exactly.
  5. A (non-scholastic) book club.  Basically, that’s a nice way of saying that some friends and I started a trashy book club.  Because why read Wuthering Heights when you can read 50 Shades of Grey?  First of all, I spent 4 years of college reading all kinds of fancy books (Uncle Tom’s Cabin, I have some words for you), and another 3 years reading legal texts (shootmeintheface).  So y’know what?  I’m embracing the trash.  I realize that the writing is terrible, (I swear, if I see the word “beguiling” one more time, EL James…) but for some reason I just can’t tear myself away.  It’s like watching the Kardashians — there’s absolutely no redeeming quality to it, and no reason you should like it, and yet, there I am, injecting it straight into my brain via my eyeballs whenever KC isn’t home.  (That sounded like drugs, didn’t it?  Mom: I don’t do drugs.  Just horrifyingly awful TV and novels on occasion.  And coffee.)

Alright, I’m sure there’s some other things I’ve said yes to which I haven’t included, but I’m getting a little blind staring at this screen right now.  (Anyone know how to get rid of an eye twitch?  I’ve had one for DAYS now that won’t go away.  Does ice cream help?  Please say yes.)

I’ve got some recipes I’d like to share with y’all, I just need to get my act (and camera) together to post them.  Also, I have some massive post-wedding posting coming up, I’m just waiting on our final batch of pictures to come.

My sincerest apologies for disappearing again.  It’s like we have this really dysfunctional on-and-off-again relationship, hmm? I didn’t mean it.  I can’t live without you.  Let’s never fight again.

On an unrelated note, I was wearing my glasses the other day (y’know, because of the whole eye-twitching thing) and KC came home and told me I looked “nerdy.”  After a long pause (and a completely charming look from me, obviously) he goes, “…but like a hot nerd.”

The honeymoon’s over, people.

(P.S. Sorry I have zero pictures for this post.  I am the boringest.)

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